Anyone else having a bad day? I really feel like sticking my head through a wall right now. Just seeing if I was the only one with a dark cloud over my head! Blah.
Nope not here... I just found out we have a 99% chance of moving in this weekend :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
After reading this I feel sorry for you. Hope it gets better! I thought I was having a bad day .You poor thing sounds like a bad week.
We don't want to talk about bad days!!! My whole week has been that way. This guy that is filling in for the PM that quit is so anal that it isn't funny and it is driving me nuts. He makes things so complicated! I am about to scream and if things don't get better, I will be looking for another job because I just can't hang with this stuff!!!!! I am already ready to scream! Ken ~ geez, sorry to hear about your "bad luck". I feel bad for you with all that going on. I think there must be something in the air.
I hear you on the bad week thing but I'm thinking mine is just a bad month thing! Can something please go right????
I thought yesterday was bad!!! I woke up this morning, put on my makeup which came out surprisingly well considering it was 5am and I was half awake... Got to work in one piece...(RTP traffic is just my fave! *insert sarcasm*) And my day was going reasonably well. Until after lunch. Back downhill again!!! Screw this diet. Now is just not the time....:roll:
I had stomach virus from h#ll Sunday and Monday, went back to work Tues and Wed and now have round 2 of stomach thing again. Thank goodness tomorrow is FRIDAY!
Well this week is much better then last week at work at least. But, like Ken said others are much worse off. I'm happy I still have a house, job and can still pay my bills and provide for my daughter. Sheri
What a long week. So glad it's Friday. Looks like I'm gonna be working til midnight tonite but, if I do, I'll have my weekend free at the apartment, lmao! Frogger