for me, it's less about where they live, and more about drawing the line somewhere. like others have said, there's a boatload of kids in my neighborhood selling stuff already. buying stuff from another neighborhood's kids is just where some of us draw the line, that's all. and, in many cases, a kid from another neighborhood is a repeat of the same fundraiser i've already been hit by...
Amen!! Sorry but them little girl scouts are pushy. I was at lowes last year when they were dealing ( notice I used the word dealing cause they are pushing them dang cookies !) anyhow after saying no ty to one.The little girl said to me with her mom standing right by her "your just cheap" when infact I just bought a box at foodlion 15 min. before running into lowes to get a gift card for someones B-day. I was in a hurry but looked at that little girl and her mom and said I may be cheap but your moms cheating you by not teaching you any manners.When I was telling someone in my neighborhood about it she said her husband came back mad as H cause he bought 2 boxes and the little girl at lowes told him he looks like he could eat 10 boxes ( ofcourse it was after he paid for them ) Some of those little girls and their moms are not as sweet as their cookies.
:shock: :shock: :shock: No she didn't!! DS soI sold the scout coupon books outside Walmart last year, but they were perfectly polite about it. It was so cute!! I've got no problem telling them no if it's not something I want, but politley of course. I think I would have found the troop leader and complained. Unreal.
It was at 42 Lowes. I only go there to buy gift cards for presents. I am a bad shopper when it comes to buying for any man. So it was the first and only time I had it happen but heard a few more say they were rude to them up there same location.
I wish we didn't have to do fundraisers, but with the daughter in band this year, need to to help pay for her expenses. Don't have enough in my pocket to pay for everything, so we, (notice I said we) do go door to door or to our work, etc to help sell for marching band. Now if it is light outside, I do let her go around the neighborhood here, sometimes her brother is with her or I am with her and she always has her phone or a walkie talkie (in the neighborhood), so I can stay in touch with her, but not after dark unless I am with her and it is at people's houses we know....Anyone going to be interested in some raffle tickets for a cruise for two??? Tassy and Craig won one year, I believe! LOL She should get 90% of her profits off the ticket sells.
I don't do school fundraisers, period. I am tired of my tax dollars being spent and them STILL doing fundraisers! If I wanted to donate to the school, I will. I don't see any reason for the schools (or any other organization) to whore out these kids to do their dirty work for them. AND...then they get to choose from these cheesy prizes from some stupid magazine if they win first place! Please! If they are going to get these kids to peddle their wares for them at least give them something worthwhile for the effort. Sorry if that strokes a few parents the wrong way but it gets under my skin.