2 Cousins Pizza is Now SMOKE FREE!!! I was walking from Food Lion to Dollar General Monday when I saw the sign posted about the new non-smoking rules and I went in and got pizza for take away. Then, last night I stopped by and brought Lasanga for my Aunt, Uncle and myself. You guys have the greatest pizza around and I know look forward to dining there more often!! Thanks for making the best pizza and thanks for making the dining room tolorable for us non-smokers. You guys are Great!
I didn't read the entire thread, it seemed to be a little long winded, which is funny because smokers are the ones that are short of breath ... but... if you're getting take-out why so much over smokers?
I did not revive the old thread but started a new one as the other one got silly. You did not miss much on the old thread trust me. The reason I would not even go in there for take away is because it was such a small dining area that I would come out stinking so badly of smoke that I would have to come home and take a shower and wash my hair before even getting to enjoy my pizza. Not worth the hassle really. I did not get to see the owner either time this week when I was in there but if he reads here I just wanted him to know that some folks really appreciate the new policy.
Are you an xsmoker? The reason I ask is because I've always heard that xsmokers complain the most. I'm not saying you're complaining to much either. When I was younger, for a long time my Dad was the only xsmoker I knew and the older he gets the more he complains. I haven't smoked in about two months now and I swear I can smell it before dh even gets his first puff. He thinks I'm nuts.
No, I've never smoked but for whatever reason it has ALWAYS bothered me. I despise the smell of it in my hair and clothes. I did watch an uncle die a slow horrific, painful death of lung cancer due to what I believe was second hand smoke at the hands of my Aunt and since then I have been very adamant about not subjecting myself to second hand smoke if at all possible.
You go, nsane! I can always smell it when others don't seem to now. What gets me the most is when someone walks in the office and they reek. Ugh. Cannot stand that anymore. Frogger
I'm sorry about your uncle.. You know the commercial where there is a young girl talking about how she started when she was younger then it goes it present time and shows an older woman with a cork plugging her throat?!... my son got out of bed around midnight one night crying his eyes out. He was so sad. He had seen that commercial earlier and couldn't stop thinking about it.. He asked that me and daddy "stop making smoke". Broke my heart... I didn't have a choice but to stop.
I started using the Chantix but after three weeks in to it I was gonna end up od'ing on zomig for migraines... Stopped the Chantix, the migraines stopped and I just haven't wanted one since really...
I can smell it a mile away.....I work on the third floor of a building....I could smell people smoking standing OUT FRONT on the first floor... UGHHHHHH
Ever been stopped at at stoplight and there is someone smoking with their window down?? I can smell it, I kid you not!:shock:
Girl, don't get close to me! :lol: I was in the passenger seat about 2 weeks ago, DH was driving... long story short... we were in the right turn lane onto 55 and I took a drag blew it out the window (windows down) and a dude on his bicycle was right there! Bless his heart. I couldn't see him.:twisted: