If anyone knows someone or if you work at one yourself..can you tell me what the starting pay would be there? Just trying to get a idea. Plus if you know how great of a company it is to work for? You can email me or PM me. Rushlow2004@hotmail.com Sheri
I know someone who worked PT as a cashier at the one in Clayton, she had experience and they started her off at $7.50 an hour.
Thanks Jennifer, not what I wanted to hear, but thanks for the reply. I'm hoping with over 15 yrs experience in managment will help. I will see, I have a job still, just testing the waters. This is so close to my house. Sheri
we use to have a friend that worked at the one in garner as a shelf stocker during the night and was making 13.50hr!
Yes, I know two people whose spouses work there, and they make good money and have great benefits too.
I want to know when they are going to open? I am tired of foodlion shopping.Its gonna be nice to have another choice in the area.
Lowe's will open 11/7/07 They are currently hiring for this new location at the CLayton Corners shopping center. Terry Pardue is in charge of HR & she is doing the hiring or you can get started by going to Lowesfoods.com remember this 50/42 area has a Raleigh address & I think it is called middle creek commons