Anyone that has kids in a daycare, PLEASE find out if they report incidents to parents anytime an incident occurs. My daughter works in a daycare and reported abuse of a child and the owner/director did nothing. My daughter has been to the director and nothing was done. Therefore, I instructed her to confront the parent with what she witnessed. My understanding is that it is a law that any reported incidents have to be reported to the parents within 48 hours of the incident.????????????????
yea they should but some directors wont do anything! i worked with one that wouldnt report things so i took matters in to my own hands and called the div of children and social services. they took an anonymous report and where at the daycare the next day!
So, I am a little confused here. The parent is abusing the child or someone at day care is abusing a child and it isnt being reported to the parent. Please clarify.
An incident could be were one child hit or bit another child/ or one child fell outside... You should write up an incident form for all accidents/or incidents.
correct, policies are that if a child is hurt or hurts another child it is to be wrote up signed by both sets of parents (seperate) copies to all and put in a file for the child....
I would NEVER confront the parent, nor advise that someone confront the parent, that's truly asking for trouble. If she saw something, I would probably take GarnerGirl's advice and call Child Welfare and make an anonymous report.