If people can't drive the recommended speed, stay off the road. I do realize sometimes there is a very good reason. (Like the crappy roads with all the holes.) If you tail gate behind me "I will slow down" I have been hit 3 times, head on, rear ended and side swiped. Head on was a drunk, rear ended was a person on their cell phone and side swiped was someone running a stop sign. This is why I pay very close attention to the other drivers. Some are just born to annoy.
Cool beans, pass me - pass anyone, if there's a passing zone - but keep in mind that the driver in front of you just may have a deer in their sites when they slow down and you, in your haste to pass, might be the one to strike it. Just a tidbit of info on our county and deer-related accidents (for me, personally, one of my neighbors and two of my clients have hit deer Since the first of the year. The most recent one was July- an F150 and a deer - 5K in damages - no human injured.) Peak months for deer movement -- like auto accidents involving deer -- are October, November and December. The studies show deer movement peaks from 4:00-10:00 PM and again from 4:00-8:00 AM, with some movement between 8:00 and 10:00 AM. The farthest distances traveled per hour usually occur in the morning, probably because the deer are trying to get back to the security of their core areas before it gets too light. 2005 listed in rank (highest occurance to lowest by county - out of 100 counties) 1. Wake 882 2. Rockingham 473 3. Duplin 449 4. Guilford 443 5. Johnston 419 15,940 deer related crashes in NC in 2005 *********** 2004 listed in rank (highest occurance to lowest by county - out of 100 counties in the state) 1 Wake 900 2 Duplin 458 3 Guilford 452 4 Rockingham 437 5 Johnston 386 15,385 deer related crashes in NC in 2004 2006 data is not yet posted, but since the top 5 counties with deer related accidents remained the same in 2004 and 2005, it is likely that incidents didn't vary much in 2006. "The Highway Safety Research Center offers the following tips for lowering your risk of a crash with a deer. * Slow down! In areas with a large deer population, or where there are deer warning signs, drivers should reduce their speed." - followed by wearing your seat belt, watching for eyes reflecting in your headlights, remembering that deer travel in herds -(when you see one, there are usually more to follow), NOT to place confidence in 'deer whistles' or other ultra sonic devices, and maintaining control of your vehicle (not swerving to try to avoid the deer) statistical data obtained from: http://www.hsrc.unc.edu/safety_info/animal_vehicle/nc_deer_2004.cfm http://www.hsrc.unc.edu/safety_info/animal_vehicle/nc_deer_2005.cfm
"Peak months for deer movement -- like auto accidents involving deer -- are October, November and December. The studies show deer movement peaks from 4:00-10:00 PM and again from 4:00-8:00 AM, with some movement between 8:00 and 10:00 AM." all good information - thanks zoo.
No kidding!!! how about just get out of my way when you see me coming? It won't take but a sec for me to get on down the road and out of your way.
Why is it that the train of thought has become that time should be saved on the road? There once was a time that safety, not lack of speed, was the concern.
the train of thought is that i have more important things to do than sit in traffic. you don't? safety is first with me. i haven't had an accident, not even a fender bender in close to 20 years, and even then it wasn't my fault. and only one ticket in the last 15. i'll say this again for like the 5th time. i'm not a speed freak. i'm not late. i'm not in a rush. it's just that i can spend my time better than wasting time lollygagging down the road, that's all. and anyone who says different is lying. y'all actually expect me to believe that you like sitting in traffic, or just meandering down the road killing time? give me a break i just want to get where i'm going. why is the train of thought that because of that, i must be impatient, late, an ******* driver, a speed freak, and unsafe? i've been accused of pretty much all of that in this thread, and it's starting to **** me off
Traffic is a fact of life. If I really had a problem with it I would move across the street from where I work. That way there would not be a measurable delay except for the light to cross Capitol Blvd. Nobody has acused you of anything, just stating feelings. Try not to let it **** you off. Opinions are a fact of life.
well, let's see. i've been told to relax ( which assumes i'm not), slow down (which assumes i'm driving too fast), that i'm in a rush, and you yourself just made a comment that insinuated that i don't drive safely. those are opinions? yeah, i guess they are, because they certainly aren't facts. and you know what they say about opinions
have you ever tried siring in a carpool line? OMG!!! feel the pain. oh yeah and the van doesnt have airconditioning. talk about making a person edgie!! and I hear ya, i would nush rather be home with my hubby than any where in the world !!expecially in flippin traffic! I dont think any one was trying to judge you DB we are all just trying to help, i know it bugs me when im comming from smithfield and get stuck behind a combine that takes up most of the road and just keeps chuggin along for miles and miles. (we all need a moment of perfect harmony)!!!!!!!!!!!
Best way I deal with traffic... ... Play some good Praise & Worship CD's. I can't listen and sing to Christian music and be stressed out - even if we're at a dead stop in a traffic snarl. There's no way I can worship the Lord and cuss the driver in front of me at the same time. I can get so wrapped up in the music that I end up sitting under my carport for 10-15 minutes after I get home.
Actually, I have more tolerance for combines and tractors, because that's just part of their livelihood and they have to drive them on the roadway. It's slow poke drivers that bother me, but if they at least drive the speed limit, I can usually chill out and ride along.