I was doing a spell check on something in here that I wrote. The spell check tried to change kookookacho to cockroach and tit4tat to titrate. what does it try to change your board name to?
zookeeper change suggestions were simply zoo keeper, or zookeepers :lol: zookeeper.com has a tag line 'eat or be eaten' - it is a brand building company - ie advertising
Harlequin: a comic character in commedia dell'arte and the harlequinade, usually masked, dressed in multicolored, diamond-patterned tights, and carrying a wooden sword or magic wand. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:
ServerSnapper Suggestions for server snapper: 1. sir-reverences 2. sir-reverence 3. snippersnapper 4. silver paper 5. salvarsans 6. snippersnappers 7. semievergreen 8. cellar master 9. service medal 10. self-centered
lets see if you can get the names it changed right... will spanker, deadlock, southern-born, Haley, supermom, zookeeper, foreplays, Bailey, Kacie, tangerine, grinder, CDC, mom~Boy, Tass, Mackinac, Bailey, blusterer, servers napper, TWA, strawberry, graceless, and recap just to do a few. can you figure them out?