Webbie, thanks for the series on growth in Johnston County. These are important issues that we, as citizens, need to think about. If we do not give our input to our elected officials, then we will have no grounds to complain if we don't like the way they handle the growth (or just let it handle itself). So thank you for educating us abut the issues. I look forward to the next article in your series. :-D
Ditto to webbie. Just wondered how many JC residents are aware that although we are the fastest growing County in NC, we are the only County in the triad area that doesn't have a land-use plan? However, a Growth Management Committee did work very hard on implementing a Growth Management Plan. (Around 18 months) This reasonable plan was presented to Commissioners and the Commissioners voted to form another committee (Blue Ribbon Growth committee) to review the plan and make recommendations. The Blue Ribbon Growth committee consisted of 40+ members, a large percent being realtors, builders, developers, town officials, mortgage co's/banks, etc. I saw two reps from JC schools, but NO ONE from high-growth areas such as Cleveland... 90% of members depend on growth for their financial success. The Blue Ribbon Committee voted AGAINST recommendations made in the Growth Management's plan. IMO, they're basically saying everything is fine as is. Anyone surprised?
We just got a notice that the farm across from our house has been approved for a 60 house subdivision (near McGee's). Sigh... There was no zoning meeting because this farm land was already zoned residential. (I guess agr/res??) I am so bummed, I love looking out seeing the farm.:-(
I'll admit I wasn't concerned with growth issues until it affected me and my neighborhood. It didn't even bother me that a SD was building next to us, but when I learned they are using our roads for entrances/exits I became even more worried about the safety of children, animals, etc. in our neighborhood. We already have traffic issues not only from speeding neighbors, but cut-through traffic. They come through our neighborhood to avoid a traffic light and congested intersection. However, the experience has really opened my eyes to growth issues. I'm afraid others don't mind growth either, and won't until it affects them personally. The thing is, the way things are growing, I have a feeling sooner or later everyone will be suffering from mis-managed growth and we'll be dealing with a lot of issues that Wake County faces. And by then, it may be too late. Sorry to hear about your situation.
LOL. Too funny! Unfortunately, I'm not at that level of expertise yet. I would need Grinder as a partner and his avatar scares me. :lol: Just kidding, Grinder!