Does anyone believe that 911 may have been an act by U.S. government to promote a Pearl Harbor type situation to promote war in the middle east? Also, is anyone familiar with the North American Union and what their intentions are?
That "theory" was started by the Arab TV news agency to deflect attention in the Middle East from it. The original "theory" presented by that "news" station also stated that no Jewish people died in the WTC because they had received advance warning to not go into work that day. Supposedly, only a few people really died because the planes were also empty of passengers......the pilots were CIA and Israeli spies. So do I believe the theory? No more than I believe Neo-Nazis when they say the Holocaust didn't happen, idiots who believe Elvis is alive, and white supremicists who think slavery was a "good" thing.
No, I don't think there was a conspiracy there either. It would require too many people to keep their mouth shut. Not going to happen in my opinion.
I wonder how many? How many politicans children have been lost in this so called war|? Im betting none. Wake up|! What is this all about? Do you really believe everything they want you too? Are you willing to send yours while theirs stay at home?
Let me guess. |You are old and believe in GWB are you familiar with GWB and the North American Union|?
This notion is kept alive by the 9-11 truth movement. There are scores of websites devoted to explaining why it was an inside job. Most of these people are ignorant paranoids. The worst I have heard is a guy with a radio show named Alex Jones. This loon blames Bush, Cheney, the Masons, FEMA you name it for everything. Sometime I listen to his show online because nuts can be funny. Sadly however, lots of people believe this bilge. I am not so sure about the NAU. I have heard that this is actually coming about. the first step has been allowing Mexican truck on US highways. Rep Ron Paul is a guest on the nutjob Jones radio show. Google ol' Alex some time. There is a video of him refusing a thumbscan for a driver's license in Texas because he says it is really a digital tattoo from Satan for the mark of the beast. he believes that Visa debit cards commercials are the mark of the beast because the discourage you from using cash. All the tinfoil in the world can't protect this goober. Now my favorite conspiracy theory, created by me.......the Men in Black killed john Denver! JD died in a small plane crash. JD's real last name was Dutchendorf. His dad was a colonel in the Air Force. He was stationed in Roswell, NM!!!!! Therefore, JD knew about the little green men, the MIB killed him to shut him up because he was going to spill the beans! PS....JFK was a conspiracy I still think the soviets and Castro were involved. I do believe in bigfoot and UFO's.