Mckinley's Restaraunt and Pub

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Lisa Gross, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. Lisa Gross

    Lisa Gross Member

    First of all I would like to say I have only been in this pub maybe 4 times in 4 years. I am a wife and mother of three, and one of my girlfriends took me out for a girls night out for my birthday. We chose to try out Mckinley's for the night. We arrived and both of us ordered a drink. I didn't like the drink I ordered (not because of how it was made but it just wasn't the drink for me) so i gave it to my girl friend and turned to the bar to order another. I waited and waited and was never waited on by the bartender. It became very obvious that she was ignoring me. A few minutes later the owner (ERIC) approched me and asked me if I was waiting to order another drink. I nicely said yes. He then said that "I had a history of coming in and not tipping so until I learned how to tip I wouldn't be getting any service". I was of course shocked because like I stated 4 times in 4 years isn't enough to give you a history of anything. No I did not tip after the first drink but I assure like most when I was done drinking I would have tipped at the end of my stay. But that is not what is important. I would strongly suggest that you think VERY long before you ever go into that place. Because whether of not they had me mixed up with someone else that is not how any customer should be treated. And the owner should have handled the situation very differently.
  2. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I couldn't agree more. No matter what place of business you don't treat people like crap. I've had several unjustified run ins with this place (their servers) over the years, so I know how you feel. Although, none of mine were based on tipping, I think the first one was the waitress got my whole tables order wrong (food and drinks) and it was our fault:roll: second, I looked at the waitress wrong? What? (same waitress as above, but she wasn't our waitress this time). Third was I was pushed to the ground because a waitress pushed my hubby from behind (wasn't our waitress). I've been back once, and that one waitress isn't there any longer and my service was great! It sucks that I've been treated so badly at that place, because I do love their wings!
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2007
  3. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    I guess everyone just needs to try out the new . Its is the Old Drug Store and I understand they are now open.
  4. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    LOL ...I heard the same thing! ....
  5. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    We went there over the weekend (first time in almost 3 years or so)... pffft that place has gone down hill bad.

    Maybe dozen-dozen half people there. Wonder why...:rolleyes:
  6. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    We were there several times over the weekend Koo.. hate we missed you. When did you go??

  7. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    In the 4-5 years I've been going to McK's I have learned that they have their "rush hour" times. For example try stopping in on a friday right after work, on Sunday for Football and the place is packed, there is usually a lull on Friday nights between the dinner crowd and the crowd that usually settles in for the evening with the band. Tuesday nights and Thursday nights are usually the same way, kinda crowded at dinner, then slacks off afterwards. Monday's are awesome (at least in my opinion) as I can go in sit down at the bar and relax without having a huge crowd to talk over. I usually try to stay away from Wednesdays as I'm not a huge fan of scareoke.

  8. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Sadly, Eric does have a way of mixing some people up with other people, maybe he ought to wait it out to make sure he is right next time;)
  9. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    DH and I went there a year ago for his birthday. Took an eternity to order our drinks and then a gazillion years for it come. Took forever for our food. The waitress was rude! We had a very very lousy time.
    When it came time to leave DH DID NOT leave her a tip.

    We paid and was headed out the door where the waitress was waiting for us. She asked:shock: why we didn't leave her a tip. OMG I WANTED TO CRY. First don't ask DH anything unless you want to hear the truth and second omg how dare she have the balls to stop us and ask us at.

    He told her and then he went to speak to Eric.

    So I guess what I am trying to say. I will never go back. From that experience and from what I have heard from others on and off of here.
  10. Donnie

    Donnie Guest

    It should not matter if Eric had the right person in mind or not! I do believe in tipping but that’s no way for an owner to treat a paying customer of his/her business.

    If someone had skipped out on a tab then I could see something being said when they came back in but to act like that over someone not leaving a tip is crazy. I have heard a lot of stories about that place and don’t think I will be going back.
  11. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I quit going because the added charges to my tab. Works out great for me since I get along great with the waitstaff at CDH.
  12. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    My daughter went to Wendy's on 70, near Tryon, the other night. At the drive-thru, she pulled up to the first window and paid with cash. She proceeded to the 2nd window to get her food, not realizing she had forgotten to get her change. The little thug twit working the money window yelled out rudely to my daughter (who was already parked at the 2nd window)...that she forgot her change and needed to "come get it." My daughter stuck her head out the car window and asked the girl could she please bring the change there to the 2nd window. The twit at the money window copped a real attitude about it.

    My daughter turned to her friend in the car and said something to her about poor customer service and how hard it would be to try to back her car up to the 1st window in that tiny space between the building and the curb.

    Well...another thug twit working the food window reached out, handed my daughter her drinks and in a very threatening manner, said to my daughter: "You better not be talkin about my friend. You got something to say to my friend? You better say it to me."

    Now...I repeat this. The EMPLOYEE at the drive thru window said this to my daughter, the CUSTOMER, after EVESDROPPING on a conversation that was none of her business in the first place, about POOR SERVICE received at that resturant that hires the employee.

    They took forever bringing the food, and my daughter and her friend were afraid to eat it, because these girls were so nasty and hateful and had such bad attitudes, she was afraid they had spit in their food, so they threw it away when they got back here to the house.

    I am a true believer that employees reflect the management, so I didn't bother calling and asking to speak to the manager of that store. Instead, I wrote to the headquarters of Wendy's.

    What in the hell has happened to the concept of customer service? Since when are employees allowed to treat customers like crap? And what on earth can we, as customers, do to make it clear that this is not going to be tolerated?
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Sadly Mag, it happens a lot. A couple years ago, I got very rude service at a drive through and I called the girl out on it. As I am driving away, I look in my rear view mirror, the moron is hanging out the window giving me the bird with both hands.:shock: :shock: :shock: Needless to say, I called the manager IMMEDIATELY, as the number was on the receipt. I was less than impressed with her level of concern. :rolleyes: I didn't go back till I knew they had replaced the manager in that store. I am absolutely amazed if anyone at a drive through, heck, fast food in general even, says please or thank you. Most times they just shove the food out the window without saying a word. I worked fast food for a short many years ago, and I can't imagine being that rude.
  14. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    That reminds me of a night at Lonestar up by Walmart in Clayton. We had crappy service and poor eating conditions and I came home and proposed a professional e-mail to the corprate office. Went into another local establishemnt the next night and heard that one of the bartenders up at Lonestar and come into the same establishment the night before after I had composed my e-mail and raised cain about my comments about poor service and cleanliness. Needless to say I never was contacted by Lonestar and have not been back since that night.

  15. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I have to say some of the kindest & most polite fast food or food service in general employees I have come across is the Hispanics. The McD's in Benson has the sweetest lady at the drive through.
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    You know, you are right! The McDonalds here in Clayton wasn't too bad about that until recently. The last couple of times I've been ready to pull them through the window though. How hard is it to listen to the complete order and not interrupt?? If they'd let you finish speaking, they might answer their own question! :rolleyes: And I'm talking about ordering for one, not an army.
  17. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Me too, we usually go once a week and I haven't encountered any BS there at all.
  18. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    We came in late Sat night. Looked for a table and left. There's more to the story but I would rather not post it on here. 8)

    It would have been nice to have seen ya... we probably would have stayed longer.
  19. Lisa Gross

    Lisa Gross Member

    I have tried to call the owner Eric, but they say he will not be in till this afternoon. I hope that everyone will agree that I do deserve a formal apology. I'm curious to see how he feels. I hope he isn't as direspectable as Saturday night.
  20. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I was going to Taco Bell in Smithfield. I pulled in and made my way to the drive thru and seen two employees smoking by the dumpster. I placed my order, pulled up to the window, paid and waited for my food. During that time one of the guys who was smoking out by the dumpster came in the door, had a pair of shoes in his hand, and walked behind the counter with shoes still in hand, plopped his pair of shoes on the counter beside the drink machine , grabbed a cup and hit the ice dispenser and I guess not enough ice came out so he stuck his hand in the ice machine, continued to fix his drink, grabbed his shoes and walked back around the counter and went back outside.Not once did this guy make an attempt to wash his hands. The girl came back with my food and I asked her did she see what he had done. She was as shocked as I was.She was just as upset as I was saying how nasty he was. She told me to hold one she was getting the manager. After waiting a good 5 minutes for the manager, he came to the window. It was the OTHER GUY that was smoking by the dumpster. I seen it as a lost cause at that point. I told him what happen and he said he'd take care of it. Something just told me yeah right. So I call there 800 number and talk to someone up there. She said if the manager said he'd handle it, then it was out of their hands, but they would make note of my complaint. Needless to say, I WILL NOT eat there EVER again!

    And as for TIPPING..... being a waitress in the past for 6 years..... tipping is OPTIONAL! If someone demands a TIP, they definitely WILL NOT get one!

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