The only reason we went by there is because we were with a group of folks and we were near there (it was a year later) and I really wanted some of their wings. That's the one thing that is good about that place, really good wings.
About three years ago we went for dinner one night, got the worst service ever, absolutely no service, not the first time for this establishment, we just thought we'd keep giving them a chance and this was the last chance for us. The food was good but the waitress was absolutely the worst ever, gave all of her attention to her friends in the next booth, even to the point of sitting down with them at their table and downing a couple of Tequila shots. Well, we left her no tip, made it out to our car, I assume that was only because she was too busy with her friends to notice we had left. As I said, we had just reached the car when we heard her yelling from behind us and heading our way with Eric right behind her, he proceeds to ask us what we thought we were doing by leaving without tipping his waitress, not a good thing to do if you don't know who your dealing with. All six of us let him have it, horrible service doesn't deserve a tip etc., and he's very lucky that we're decent folk because running out into a parking lot, going up against six people you don't really know could lead to a very dangerous situation. One day someone's going to go off on this Eric dude in a very bad way. We have never had bad food, but just completely horrendous service. Never will go back.
This is such a true statement, however I have seen the following incident at more places than I care to count. And can relate whole heartedly to why some waitstaff react and respond the way they do. Incident 1 I've seen several places. Group of people (6-8 ) come in get a table run the waitstaff/bartender ragged all night (4-5 hours) with martinis, and various other off the wall crap (liquid cocaine, bay breeze, blue motorcycle) run up a $200 tab and walk out with out leaving a dime for the service of running someone all night long. Oddly enough more often lately these type of groups are also the onse that think they are special because they are the next door neighbor of the band playing that night or some such crap. Or that since they are with the bartender's brother, mother, son (whatever relation) that they deserve special service, thus when they get the same service as everyone else they get ****y about it. Incident 2 which I've seen only at McK's Couple comes in and brings in their 2 kids (one 6 one 9). The couple sits at a booth on the bar side, and gives the kids a few dollars to go play pool. Kids play pool come back and eat then want to play more so they rip one of the dollars off the wall and try to cash it in for quarters. When the bartender calls it out the kid said his parents gave him the dollar so the bartender goes and speaks to the parents with a clearly written on and stabled to the wall dollar bill. Kids dad is like yeah I gave it to him, then gets ****y when asked to pay their tab and leave. All it takes is an incident or two like that to tarnish what would normally be a great waitstaff person into looking at everyone in that fashion. Craig
My rule of thumb is this... great service = awesome tip good service = 20% okay service = 15% bad service (different levels) = 0-10% I have two nieces who are waitress and they are awesome and get awesome tips. There are a few people who try to stiff anyone, but my nieces have a positive attitude and don't let the few cheap o's leave a bad taste in their mouth for the decent customers. It's like this if you choose to be in this profession, you have to expect that, but you should have the correct personality for it, if not get another job.
Well SB... you must be that 1 in 100, and you've said it yourself, you and your dh are friends with Erics brother. Everyone knows by now, thats the bar that Craig and I choose to call "home". We've never had any issues up there, but have seen plenty over the years. Eric is not going to risk his permits to serve drunks, like the problems McGoos ran into. I'm not going to defend what I say, we spend enough time there and are friends with everyone up there to see and hear what happens with customers. You have to admit, after a table thats run your butt off all night, whether it be specialty shots and drinks, or keeping up with messy children... when you have $180 tab and a $5 tip, its going to make anyone cranky for the rest of the night. This is only my opinion... if you have a problem with food or service, talk to whoever is in charge on the floor or in the kitchen. Whether it be Eric, Howard, or whoever the manager is, but be nice, try to be understanding. They really would rather make a friend than an enemy, don't just leave the waitress a crappy tip and expect her to be a mind-reader. Because, if they really don't understand why you tipped so poorly, you're just going to be viewed as a non-tipping jerk and not welcomed back so warmly on your next visit. Its a small place, and everyone knows everyone, and they're like elephants, they don't forget. :?
The best fast food service I've ever received is from Chik-fil-A. The kids that work there are always neatly groomed, pleasant and the service is wonderful. And it's consistent. I've been to their stores in NC, VA and FL. My description above applied to all Chik-fil-A stores that I've patronized. They should be a model for all similar restaurants, IMHO.
Agreed 100%. I don't think I have ever gotten bad service at a Chik-fil-A, the restaurants are always clean even when busy. I always go there if it's an option. Used to like Wendy's back when "Dave" was around, but since he passed, they are the pits. The ones here in Clayton are pathetic.
I with you all the way on Wendys. I used to consider them a class above Mickey Ds and Burger Doodle...but not anymore. Dave's standards must have been buried with him. :-(
I used to go the McK's twice a week, would eat, and drink merrily. Always left roughly a 20-30% tip. ONE NIGHT I asked if the waitress could come to my table because I was having to go to the bar to get drinks because the waitress was ignoring me. They cut me and my whole table off (we had only had 2 rounds of drinks) and told me to leave if I wasn't happy with service. I haven't been back. I now take my money, tips, and merry ways to CDH, and have no complaints- -good food, service, better beer selection, and positive attitudes. PS. What's with the new bar on Old Drug Store Rd.?
I agree 110%! The only complaint I've ever had with them is the one by my office in Durham sometimes overcooks their chicken a little. I wrote a letter to corp and they sent me a bunch of coupons for free stuff. It had happened 3 times in a row in 2 weeks, went through drive thru and got back to office and I just can't eat burned chicken so I wrote corp and they took care of me.
well, the comments in this thread about mckinley's are running about 10 to 1 bad to good. here's one new customer they'll never get....
Been to McK's a few times, seen NOTHING to impress me. The last time we went in, a waitress constantly brushing inappropriately against my fiancee and when we finally went to sit down, she ignored all of us. As far as tipping, if i do not eat, just drink, it isn't just a beer, I'm NOT tipping someone $2 per beer for taking the top off. Especially if i have to get my beer myself. If I get a specialty drink, I'll tip. As far as the waitress rubbing my fiancee, she might as well have expected NO tip. I will not go back in there, and honestly feel like unless you kiss butt and go daily, they could care less about patronage. Never had issues at CDH, they have awesome waitresses, bartenders, food and service. Besides, the only thing in mck's the past few times I've been are 18 year olds and 80 year olds! Don't mind them, just not to see some 60-70 year old woman shaking it. K
So are hearing and listening. Which most people seem to do the former but rarely the latter. I was presuming that by "heard", ktbailey was using the more common meaning that s/he had not been made aware (Sort of like, "I heard from my grandma", when all you received was a letter).