Who would like a Religion/Spiritual forum and/or Gardening forum?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Who's in favor of a Religion/Spiritual/Church forum and/or a Gardening forum?

    - - - - - - - -

    My take: The Religion/Spiritual forum would be a great place to centralize discussions of this matter. Prayer requests, devotionals, and spiritual discussion threads would be easier to navigate through.

    Local churches could be encouraged to post any announcements of upcoming events that others may want to attend such as fundraising dinners, concerts, special speakers, revivials, etc.

    As for a Gardening forum, there's a "fall Gardening" thread going that has over 300 hits and my Strawbale Gardening thread was at 3,512 hits at last count.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2007
  2. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I second that motion! I think it's a great idea! :) cool:
  3. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
    That only took 30 mins.
  4. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    I do not see a need for a separate forum.
  5. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I agree with you and Ken. Do like you usually do and start a new thread. It all just seems like more DRAMA to me.
  6. Clif

    Clif Guest

    How about if we just create a separate topic called "Bash C3/JoCo Humane Society/JoCo School System/McKinnley's"?
  7. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    MommySAIDno, you are prophetic! :)

    Let's see, I'd better do an equipment check:

    Helmet of Salvation - got it
    Breast plate of Righteousness - ohh, yeah, that feels nice and snug
    Shield of Faith - shining like new
    Belt of Truth - gotta let it out a notch from pizza last night, but still strong
    Sword of the Spirit - man, that's sharp as ever
    Shoes of the Gospel of Peace - not one hole in the sole; keep on truckin
  8. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    you know like I said before I dont care either way, to look at one forum or 20 its all the same to me.. what ever rocks your boat.. I think its a great idea just like I like the sports/kids/school idea also :)
  9. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you are well prepared. I'm doing the same equipment check right now too!;) :lol:
  10. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Exactly - I may not be a "god of all internet knowledge", but I sure do know how to use the scroll button.:lol: ;)
  11. Donnie

    Donnie Guest

    I am in favor of a church/religion forum just so I and a lot of others don’t have to deal with all of it.

    Most other sites have it broke down a lot further then just having two main forums with way too much random crap thrown in them. Making a thread sticky is great for forum rules or announcements but either give church/religion their own or let it stay on the first page by way of demand like everything else does.

    No Big Brother should not get its own forum, but an entertainment one would be fine IF it was needed.
  12. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member


    I enjoy his posts and if others do not, then do not read them... Pretty simple?? Talking about how God has done something good is ones life is not really "more drama" to me. ;)
  13. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    but how about the arguments between who's religion is better and what church you do and don't need to go to. THAT'S DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I've seen it on here, just ask that guy ormly...he's a good example
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2007
  14. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Oh I know... I do not care who or what denomination someone is in or anything like that... I am just saying generally kent generally does a good job with his comments. And I just ignore the ignorant comments made by others! :)
  15. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    You're right turtle. There is bound to be lots of drama. After all, just the very suggestion of the any separate forum creates drama on here:roll: :lol: . But, at least that drama would be contained to that specific forum which seems to be a good thing for Donnie and maybe others as well.

    Kent suggested a religious forum would be a place for prayer requests as well. I don't think there would be so much drama with that. Yes, there would be drama with different religions and opinions, but we all might just learn something through it all.;) JMHO

    I think both the religious and the gardening forums are a great idea and I would visit them often too. I still like the idea of a kids local sports forum as well but from the poll, it seems I was in the minority on that & that's fine with me.
  16. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    In hindsight, I probably should have stuck with just 1 topic, rather than 2, but MommySAIDno broached the idea of a separate forum for religious-related items in another thread, and I thought it would be a good chance to see where we stand.

    - - - - - -

    Ken: let’s see, your post was the most detailed, so I’ll just start from the top and work my way down.

    With over 3500 hits it appears that there is some interest in Bale Gardening, and I would suspect gardening in general. I tried to explain my topic well, so I didn’t anticipate a lot of questions. I only bumped it when I felt some pertinent info needed to be posted.

    The thread was started in the middle of April which was a little late for many gardeners who had already planned out what they were going to do for the year.

    I suspect, and hope, we'll see alot more bale gardeners next year.

    There a tons of gardening-related topics that would benefit and prosper in a separate forum.

    The whole idea of a forum is to keep like-minded topics together. It makes it a lot easier than using a “search” function.

    Also, forums tend to generate more interest in that subject since everything is located in one area.

    I notice ad banners at the top of the pages. A Garden forum would certainly attract additional advertisers, thus creating some revenue for the site.

    Moving on to the Religion forum idea.

    I don’t see how if a separate Religion forum was created that, all of a sudden, “church spammers” will inudate the forum. We don’t tolerate this on any other forum or thread, so it wouldn’t fly here, either.

    As for other religions, that’s one reason the forum would be set up – to encourage anyone who had a forum-related topic to post it here rather in the General Discussion section.

    No religion should be excluded. I don’t think anyone would be for that.

    If an Atheist wants to start a thread, let’em. So goes for Mormans, Wiccans, Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Catholics, and on and on.

    I don’t think anarchy would rule the day. Forum rules and etiquette would still apply.

    As for followers of Islam “being reluctant to post in a general religion thread”, are we’re going to let some perceived reluctance from anyone about anything stop the creation of a good Forum?

    I don’t see webbie having any additional problems. There’s no restriction on posting religious-based topics in the General Discussion or Neighborhood forums. I haven’t seen any problems there.

    Besides, with all the scrutiny a religion-based forum would receive, there will be plenty of folks watching for anything that should be dealt with by webbie.

    As for the calendar site, I just looked at it and it is a great tool.

    But, if a church had John Piper as a speaker, for example, not everyone knows who he is. Or, if the church was hosting a gospel group. All they can do on the calendar is announce the event and time, etc.

    They could go to the forum and give more biographical info on their speaker or group along with photos, weblinks, sample podcasts or songs, etc.

    Or, if the church is holding a fundraiser, they could post info detailing what they are raising the money for along with directions, etc.

    Anyone should be able to poll the group any time, on any subject.

    If someone wanted to start a forum on Lawnmower Repair, then all they should have to do is pose the question and see if there’s any interest. If so, then that group could approach webbie and see if they can work it out. If no interest, well at least they tried.

    -- - - - -

    Finally, just a general closing statement, I don’t care how many forums are created or on what subject. Just participate in the ones you like and ignore the rest.
  17. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Excellent post! I couldn't agree with you more!
  18. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    There is no good, valid reason not to have separate forums for whatever or as many interests that could support it other than some people on here dont want it or dont think we need it.

    Im sure Ken and others have been to as many message forums as i have and most have many different forums based on an original topic. Here, the topic is the 40/42 area. I would imagine as he says, he could go to the Carolina Cadillac Owners (whatever its titled) forum and though ive never been there i would imagine there are quite a few forum topics. They would probably go something like...

    Introduce Yourself
    Show Your Caddy
    Parts For Sale / Trade
    Restoration Guides
    Caddy's For Sale

    And so on. Sure, you could put everyone of those forums under 1 topic but i do not imagine they do. Many message boards have a good number of separate forums under the one topic. It does not take away from the overall feel of the message board one bit. Here is a quick example ...


    Wow, look at all the different topics under all the different forums! According to Ken though, all of that should go under "General Discussion" like we do here.

    No reason we can not do that here with as many different forums that the Webmaster is willing to set up.
  19. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Exactly! And that's just it - it is a matter of opinion. If enough people on 4042 are of the opinion that they would enjoy a separate forum for gardening or for religious discussions, then there is NO VALID REASON to not start one.

    Those who are of the OPINION that a forum is not "meritous" should have little trouble with ignoring said forum by just scrolling past it. Their OPINION that the forum is not "meritous" still is not a VALID REASON to not start it. Their inability to accept that others see them as being unable to just take "no" for an answer :roll: ;) (as in "NO", we do NOT agree with your OPINION on this matter) is still not a VALID REASON to prevent the start of a new forum.:mrgreen:
    (Of course, that they SHOULD ignore it and that they WILL ignore it are two different things):lol:

    I still think Kent covered the subject best and I don't see how his logic can be refuted reasonably!
  20. Clif

    Clif Guest

    That's faulty logic. It's like saying that, if enough people in the US wanted slavery, there's no valid reason not to have it.

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