I only like 'see through' sauce if that makes sense, not dense, pastey sauce..... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: hehehehehe
After years of putting up a fight about hooters, i went, and if I choose where we eat, it's hooters...love it. my fiancee doesn't complain much either! K
It's so 'misunderstood' !!! LOL. They do have some of the best wings and the coldest beer, if you chose to go that route (IMO). But like Ken said....so far away....so it's just a once and a while thing for us too. My kids love it too! orange polyester shorts and suntan panty hose...over rated for sure
sorry you don't believe a word but sadly they are all facts nothing but facts, I havn't had an issue with the place til that night but everything i sad was the truth and there were other people who saw it too
I've had their wings.. not bad. I like McKinleys, and Howard is making a new sauce for them, Chipotle Orange BBQ... it rocks! He's also more than happy to add some habanero paste and kick it up a few more notches incase you'd like to complain they are not hot enough for you.
I guess it does.. I don't like them goopey (or pastey is a good word for the BWW sauces)... I like a "thin" sauce
adding to that...cooked... extra crispy and NOT breaded.. thats one reason I don't like Hooters... that breading just absorbs the grease.. I like crispy bite, not soggy or mushy either...
Guess I don't have to worry about eating at McKinley's anymore since I'm 50 million miles away. Did think about stoppin in for a beer on Wednesday after my appt in Pine Level. Didn't though. I'm sure I would have ran into Craig & Tassy :mrgreen: Next time, and Tassy I'll call to make sure ya'll are there.
Since we are taking this from McK to Wings lol. Even though its in apex I would say wings at EM R Wings is my fav. I don't care for them at BWW all too me are spicy and sauce is too heavy lol. I like the wings at CDH well the honey bbq and mild. As far as service and tips. Being someone in the field (and some of you know me and some not). My main way is treating someone the way i would want to be treat if the roles were reversed. And no there are alot of ppl who do not think that way. Be it that I have worked as a server/bartender for some years and learn from some of the best. Those of us that do try our best to take care of our customers sometimes when we get some people that are so hard to get along with and you do EVERYTHING you can for them to have a wonderful dining experience thats when you want to say "I wish you could spend just one week in my shoes and tell me how you feel" I bet there whole perception of their servers and bartenders would change!!! But then too you have bartenders and servers that give all the rest of us some bad names by the way they treat their customers. As far as this running a customer down THAT WAS TOTALLY UNCALLED FOR!! Its called DISRESPECT, you disrespect me (the ppl being served) and i will do the same (not leave a tip). That one of my worst pet peeves!!! DO NOT LET A CUSTOMER SIT WITH NO DRINK FOR THERE MEAL!!! OK done ranting now lol Sorry!!!
Not yet. Southergal told me about the place but have not made it there yet. DH and I rode by and he wasn't impressed (he was in a bad mood that day anyway) so we went to Chili's at 64/55 :lol:
Definitely a no-frills place, but if you like wings you have to stop in. Never had anything else so I can't comment otherwise.
He likes the wings at BWW and CDH and when he makes his own. I'm not a fan of wings, just don't see the point. All that work for a little piece of chicken? Nah, give me BEEF?! :mrgreen: <steak or burger>
neat tip for wings Okay, all of you talking about wings in here, I have recently found something you might be interested in. Now I personally have never cared for wings (too much work for too little reward in MHO- and yes, I am from the south:mrgreen: ), but DH and I do LOVE to grill out. Maybe you have seen this before but I had not until recently. Lowes has/had this neat littl metal stand/rack thing which you can put 12 chiken legs on hanging upside down and grill them with room left over on your grill for other stuff too. It also has a way to grill wings too but I have not done that. We have done the drumsticks for the kids and they LOVE them. I just sprinkle some seasoning salt, pepper, olive oil and some basil leaves on them and hubby grills away. Seems like if you had 2-3 of these little racks, you could have a big wing party grilling 24-36 wings at the time. Cool tailgating idea too. Thought you might like to know about it.:-D