SERIOUS situation & need ortho ASAP!!!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone. This is in regards to our 8yo daughter who had surgery on her radial articulation issue in her right forearm. Surgery was Aug. 3rd. Surgeon made a mistake and her artery occluded her blood supply on the arm he broke to do the surgery. He had to go back in a fix it. Luckily, she was still under. He assured me...okay. 10 days later, we go to get the hard cast put on. X-ray taken. I said why did you not reset her bones!? He assured me this is normal and they'll grow back together. For a visual here, put your two first fingers together vertically tip to tip. Seperate about an inch. Then, take the bottom one and move it to the right. That's what the x-ray looked like. So, assured that this would grow back into place despite the fact I didn't think so. Our daughter has other serious medical issues. Won't list them all but she has a delayed bone growth of 2 years, failure to thrive, holes in her heart, and suspected dwarfism. Those are the pertinent ones to this story and won't list the rest of the dx's. My husband and I had same concerns but trusted teh surgeon as he's done work on our other son and everything was okay for all his seperate surgeries. So, cast was on for 6 weeks. Go today for removal of cast. Trying to make a long story short so bare w/ me please.

    They take son's cast off first, he's fine. Took her cast off and my husband said her arm is broken?! Radiologist said let me go take her for the x-rays. Doc's asst. said I need Dr. *** in here now. You can tell the assistant was concerned. Doc said to x-ray it and should be okay. X-rays came back. We were totally horrified standing there looking at the x-rays. Took your breath away. Her bones are all broken now, both of them AND the metal plate holding the one bone together was completely broken as well. The plate is SO close to the skin as well as the bone. One knock and it will be a through the skin compound fracture. We kept sayign this is serious. Still being reassured that this will heal in time and he'll see her in two weeks. We wanted her recasted as we have many other children at home and she goes to school. Any bump and it's going to be a nightmare. He didn't want to recast her...urghh. He did agree to a brace after we persisted. She has a half brace on the lower part of her whole forearm. Trouble is, the bone is sticking out on top!(not through the skin) Urghh. I've taken pictures. They don't even tell the whole story. We are NOT waiting two weeks. This is permanent damage done. She can not straighten out her fingers at all. Her arm hurts. For good reason too. We are also concerned of infection as she does have holes in her heart. We are giving her antibiotics tonight as a precaution. She has some on hand all the time due to heart condition. Also, have a call into her cardiologist just to double check.

    At this point, there is no possible way to reset these bones w/ out another big surgery. This point, I'm guessing two rods to replace the bones. I'm not an expert but gone through alot of ortho stuff w/ my kids and myself. She's in pain, and don't know what else to do. The ER won't be able to help her. They won't be able to reset w/out major surgery. So, tomorrow first thing, we are off to find another surgeon or possibly go back and demand surgery this weekend. It is that urgent. There is a chance of losing the arm we fear. This was a simple surgery gone horribly wrong. She stands a good chance of keeping the arm but never being able to use it much.

    So, any recommendations for an ortho, please, plese let me know. It wil NOT be Raleigh Orthopedics however. I need someone else. Or, do you all think we should go back ot the same surgeon? Thanks in advance for any recommendations you can give.

    STephanie--mom to 7
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Stephanie, I don't have any advice for you, just my thoughts and prayers. Good luck tomorrow. Keep us posted if you get a chance. :-(
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Just gave her some codiene for the pain. W/out the cast there is absolutely no support. Keep you posted tomorrow when I can. Trouble is, having a slumber party tomorrow for one of my other kiddos. 15 girls..yikes!!! Our daughter right now is our main priority first thing in the morning. would go tonight but know there is nothing they would do until tomorrow anyhow. Don't want to traumatize her anymore by the ER. Thanks for all the support, recommendations. Keep the recommendations coming for sure. Would love to knowif anyone on here has ever used Duke ortho?

    Take care,

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  4. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    I loved Dr Nelson at Ral ortho.

    Other than that Dr. deliro at Triangle Ortho did my knee surgery. HE IS GOOD. Durham though. The drive shouldnt matter if you want a good ortho.

    Can I say L_A_W_Y_E_R...Document document document EVERYTHING. Take pictures. Write how she hurts and feels every day..

    That is my advise.....

    Poor child. I hope she feels better. Much Love your way~~~~~
  5. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    triangle orthopaedic associates. their main office in in durham, but they have raleigh offices near rex hospital, on harden rd...very good and very well respected

    dr dellaero works out of the william penn plaza office. it's near durham general hospital, right off roxboro rd behind the golden corral
  6. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member


    June 18, 2007 — Triangle Orthopaedics opens an Orthopaedic Urgent Care Center in its Raleigh office located 3633 Harden Road, Suite 102, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27607. Phone #: (919) 866-4242
    The Urgent Care Center is open during extended hours, from 5pm until 9:30pm Monday through Friday, and from 9am to 2pm on Saturday.
  7. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Was this an orthopedic surgeon or a general surgeon that did the work? I will mention that there is a particular general surgeon in the RALEIGH AREA that has a very questionable public file (readable in PDF) and had has admitted negligence in the past to the NC Medical Board and has been sued repeated for malpractice. Many people think of him as well-respected, but his file suggest something that I personally would be alarmed about if I were going under his knife!! I would strongly advise doing a check on any physicians you visit.

    As for Raleigh Orthopedics...I know two people who have gone there. One for arthritis and bursitis and were treated very good. The other had an underlying neurological condition that Raleigh Ortho couldn't recognize. Instead, Dr. Nelson made a grim guess of what the condition was and frighten the person terribly when in fact, it wasn't as life-threatening as he made it out to be. I think Raleigh Ortho is certainly fine for simple orthopedic symptoms, but I'm not sure I'd trust them exclusively with any major. Again, I'd definitely go to the and check any doctor out that you're planning on visiting.

    Abdulina...if I were you (and this is just my opinion) I'd go maybe to one of the Unversity Hospitals like UNC Chapel Hill or Duke University for a second opinion and not completely trust the local doctors. They may be on the right track, but the Medical Centers in both Chapel Hill and Duke have a lot of expertise. I'd at least get a second opinion from one of the two.
  8. 1Jesus4Me

    1Jesus4Me Guest

    Dr. Mark Moriarty, University Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.
    Smithfield NC
    Also at the Summit Building in Clayton once a week.
    Try for a morning appt. He gets really backed up, so expect a long wait if it's booked for the late morning or afternoon.
    He's an excellent surgeon.
  9. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member


    Thanks for the post. This was an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in pediatrics. The reason we went to him is b/c we have a son w/ a missing leg and congenital clubfoot which requires surgeries every so often. Never had a problem so decided on him for my daughter as well. However, my daughter has a much more extensive medical history. I talked in depth to the surgeon about her history and how she hasn't grown in 3 years. there is NO bone growth so how he expected the broken bones to heal together on their own, I don't know. I just feel as parents we spoke up many tiems w/ many concerns.... right after surgery for hours intense pain that morphine couldn't help. Huge swollen fingers days after surgery and cold fingers. Then when the first casting session happened we said the bones were broken. Again, all these times told not to worry this is all normal. Called in between to say she still can't straighten her hand out and I believe their is permanent nerve damage. AGain, don't worry I'm told. And then you all know what happened today. ALWAYS trust your gut!!! that iswhat I've learned today. Professional or not, stick to mother's instinct.

    We have decided to go back to the same doc first thing in the morning. No appt., just showing up. Demanding he fix this situation somehow. Temporarily cast it. Then schedule surgery if there is any chance of reversing the nerve damage. In addition, we may ask for referral to Duke or Chapel Hill. Most our kids receive their care at Chapel Hill. That's where her geneticist and cardiologist are anyhow. Wish us luck and please keep her in your thoughts and prayers if you don't mind. We are truly scared todeath but trying not to let the kids know. I do have pics. Just don't know how to post on here and don't want to scare anyone. Of course, w/ the pics, you really can't tell just how bad it is or how close the metal plate is to the skin.

    I will try to update tomorrow depending upon how all this ends up. I don't believe they can do surgery this soon as the wound still has not healed. Risk of infection is too great. Best thing is to cast it until the would heals and then go back in to fix the damage done. I just don't want to put her through all this again.

    Again, thanks for all the support and recommendations. I do believe we will end up at one of the major hospitals here. This is no longer simple bone surgery we are dealing with. We are desperately trying to save her arm. Have a wonderful weekend folks.

    Take care,

    stephanie--mom to 7
  10. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    My thoughts and prayers are with you this morning!! Please call me if I can come hold the fort down while you barge the doc office!! (Ok, I know I wont be able to hold the fort down, but at least I can keep them from killing each other???)

    Keep us posted.

    (and I saw the pictures they are HORRIBLE!!!) Poor baby.
  11. ssmm

    ssmm Well-Known Member

    I would highly recommend Cary Ortho. (which has a satellite office in Garner... Garner Ortho. 779-3861.) The doctor I had there was awesome (Curzan) but there are many in the practice.
    I have recommended them to many friends who have also had great experiences. Prayers are with you...
  12. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Yes, most certainly you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    they are part of Raleigh Ortho and they are FABULOUS. I highly recommend too.
  14. ssmm

    ssmm Well-Known Member

    Actually, they are a separate group than Raleigh Ortho.
    Garner Ortho is part of Cary Ortho... totally apart from Raleigh Ortho.
    But I would never go anywhere else at this point that to Curzan in the Garner office.
  15. openminded

    openminded Well-Known Member

    Please contact your insurance company and alert them to this issue. I do not work for any insurance company but have contact with them on a daily basis and the process of such massive medical claims that I'm sure this child's medical needs has produced would cause most, if not all insurance companies to assign her a specific representative. My experience with these representatives are that they truely care about the customer and have vast experience in the medical field themselves, nurses etc.
    Please remember that they are also there to represent you as a paying customer and to insure that you are provided the best of medical care as such, demand what is due to you.
    Good luck.
  16. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    So sorry your baby is going through this pain. I don't blame you for demanding the Doc do something. However, I think I would be afraid he would do MORE damage if he already goofed up this bad.

    I agree that the Unversity Hospitals like UNC Chapel Hill or Duke University would be a good choice. I actually had major surgery on my arm/shoulder at Duke many years ago and they were amazing.

    You might call Garner Orthopaedic Sports Medicine as well. I have gone there for issues with my arm and they have a new Doc who specializes in shoulder and arm injuries.

    1005 Vandora Springs Road
    Garner, NC 27529
    Phone: 919.779.3861

    I pray you you find a Doc who can help to heal your baby.
  17. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    thanks for everyone's insight. She's still in alot of pain. Still on codiene. Something the doc didn't even mention. We did it on our own. We have enough kids and many many surgeries under our belt to know when they need the "good" stuff. What kills me is he wanted her to go to PT as soon as she can. I know no PT in their right mind would work w/ her right now as it is severely broken.

    I called cary ortho (garner office & they contacted Cary office as well). They were good but can no way see her today. Again, it is Friday and this can't wait. So, we are going back to same doc, however, putting our recommendations forward. Refusign to leave w/out at least a hard cast for her protection until surgery can be done. We also want him to come forward. Remember, his comment to us yesterday when the x-ray went up is "now, that's something you don't want to see after surgery." We are STILL pursuing a second opinion but will not be able to until next week. From there, we will decide who will do the surgery. Some docs will not want to do surgery after such a botch up job. Don't know. I'll post again after her appt. That's another thing that made me really angry. Called as soon as they opened and said "something's horribly wrong here, we need to see Dr. *** today!" They said, well, what do you think is wrong. I said you were there, what do you think?! Urghh. They said we'll have to see if there are any cancellations. I was thinking at this point in time, they should be cancelling to see her given the severity of the situation! When I say one little bump could easily break the plate and bone through the skin, I'm not exaggerating by any means. I was pleased w/ Cary's ortho and willingness to help. I think that is where we'll go get the second opinion from. I appreciate you all recommending them. Thanks again for all the support. The recommendations on here came in really handy.

    Take care,

    stephanie--mom to 7
  18. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    Try the Raleigh Hand Center, they are very nice and will treat you good! They have a website and might be able to see you today.
  19. aydansnana

    aydansnana Well-Known Member

    I will seconded this place - Dr. Rich Bruch (pronounced Brook) is excellent - you will find no better
  20. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    My six year old broke his arm last year and required surgery on it. We used Wake Orthopaedic, Dr. Kevin Logel. 919-232-5020. I have seen him myself. He was fantastic with my son and did a fabulous job on his arm.
    I know I'm late with this.
    Best of luck to you and my prayers are with you. It is such a hopeless feeling when they get hurt like that.

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