If any of you are looking to get the Sunday Paper "only" for coupons (like me) you can call the N&O and *request* the 52/weeks for $52 plan. Their # is 829-4700. :mrgreen:
They just called me and wanted me to subscribe for $.94 a week!, all 7 papers! They wouldn't let me renew, said it was for new subscribers only. Gives me something to b**ch about tomorrow!
I just read an article about coupon.com or coupons.com and it says that the coupons there are worth much more than the Sunday paper.
I get my q-pons from the Sunday paper and on line and I buy them if need be. Welcome to NC! :mrgreen:
what online site do you get yours from? that is the only reason i buy the sunday paper but we read sports and i look at who got married.
If anyone gets the paper and doesnt use the coupons, there are plenty of us on here that would share them. :lol: Let us know and I am sure one of us would happily pick them up!!! I did a few runs at Harris Teeter yesterday and got almost $400 of groceries for $60. And that was spending more than usual, but I didnt get any "free" things just because they were free. (Very hard for me!!) So please pass them along if you are going to toss them!!! Thanks!!
Which HT did you go to? Last time I went to the new one out on 401 and they wouldn't let you do more than one shop. I see on the smartspending board that they are letting people do more than one at other stores. :?
Apex store was STOCKED! And only about 5 people in the store were "couponers" :roll: Guess some people dont need to save money? :?
very funny you two. ya stood out like a sore thumb in the f-v ht yesterday if you did not have a stack of pons!
Kings Grant lets you do 5 back to back. I did one in the top of the cart and one in the bottom in a basket and they didnt say anything. I guess it could depend on the cashier. (isnt that the new one on 401?) I have done multiple shops there every triples without any problems.