We have a pond that's about 1 and a half acres, 15 feet deep at the deepest level. It is stocked with bream, catfish, bass, and a few carp. There are tons of frogs and we have counted at least 20 turtles at a time so I know there are many more than that. We don't fish. We feed the fish and turtles. They see us coming and gather around. Two of our neighbors are telling us that if we don't start fishing the pond that the big fish will eat all the little fish and eventually we will have no fish. Also, they say we need to kill the turtles. (They are not snappers.) We have no objection to someone fishing a little in the pond. I do have an objection to killing the turtles. I have searched online and can't find a definitive answer. Does anyone out there have firsthand knowledge about this? To us, it seems like we've got a pretty good little ecosystem going on in there and that nature will take its course.
Why would you need to kill the turtles?? :shock: I know they are omniverous, so they are probably eating some fish, but they also eat other things like bugs, etc. If you need to get rid of some, let me know we'll try to find them another place to go. We just found a really old box turtle in our yard over the weekend, we love turtles around here.
Oh good! I didn't mean to insinuate you would! Sounds like you love them too, I was just wondering WHY the neighbors think you should. Doesn't make sense to me??
I really don't know why they say it, unless it's just because that's what their daddy did and his daddy did, you know? It wouldn't do any good anyway. There are 2 more ponds across the road and they just travel back and forth.
I know someone who wouldn't mind fishing the pond for ya. They have 2 kids who would LOVE it! You know him from BNI a long time ago. I'll see them tomorrow if you want me to ask em.
And we'd love to fish it too. We mainly catch and release, my daughter would LOVE to have somewhere to throw her line out for a few hours on the weekend. Oh, and as far as the turtles go, have you ever been out to Montlawn cemetary? That place is CRAWLING with turtles. I think you'll be fine, lol
Okay, now I just really want to know WHY your neighbors think you should kill the turtles. Maybe you could ask them WHY? (and please let us know what they say). I'm glad you are not taking that advice. We have ponds in our area and there are turtles and frogs and fish and have been for many years. Hey...maybe your neighbors just want a place to fish?:lol: :?
Okay...so maybe the neighbors are thinking that the turtles will eat too many fish eggs up. Of course, if the pond is not being fished, that might help more than hurt? Poor little turtles. Just tryin' to get a meal & the neighbors wanna execute 'em:shock: :lol:
Ok, I'm cracking up here. I'm sorry! I didn't mean I was looking for someone to fish the pond. Looking back at what I wrote I can see how you'd think so. Thanks Ken for the links. I'll take a look and see if they tell me anything I haven't found. I guess my real question (which I didn't really ask) was whether or not anyone knows if the fish NEED to be thinned out for the pond and life therein to flourish. I'll see what the Holiday Inn Express expert's links have to say. Thanks for all the responses, and if I decide to thin it out, you guys will be the first ones to know. PS: Off topic, why would anyone who works from home and gets to set her own schedule go get groceries at 5:00 on Friday night? Somebody slap me!
Back on topic.... We have a 40+ year old farm pond. Loads of great pond fish & the normal amount of turtles. No problems, no green mucky algae, no pond weeds, no fish on fish crime. We try to do nothing to/for the pond or fish. Only catch & release.
I gotta ask... Why is everyone worried about the turtles...but volunteering to do in the fish? You guys' anti-fish-pro-turtle or something? :shock: :lol:
Pond.... If you are looking to get rid of the turtles, .22 shells are like a buck for a box of 50 They are little more that a nuesance tho.
How to make turtle stew...... Yeah, but a pellet gun might take a while to kill the turtle, making it suffer. Unless you are extremely good @ a headshot. A .22 is very quick to dispatch them to the great pond in the sky. As with any type of gun, ALWAYS be sure of your target and what is behind it, around it, around you,etc.