That is good advice, I have never though of it that way. But they should make sure they are not mistaking people with the same respect.
I don't believe you should treat people that way period. I don't care what they do. Not tipping doesn't have anything to do with having bad manners and being treated badly. That's 100% Management.
Wait staff is mean I have been there only a handfull of times myself but have found that the wait staff gets very mean when the place is crowded and I've seen them shove patrons and cause arguments with patrons and bouncers because of it. The wait staff is slow and rude. I would never make it my first choice.
The waitress who was stiffed is a pretty nice person, and wouldn't unjustly accuse someone. It was only the previous week, not a months ago or a year ago. That would be pretty fresh in someones memory.
In my best Dana Carvey voice.... " Wellll....insn't that SPeeeeeciaaaallll!" :lol: :roll: :lol: :lol: j/k - K
Why make up names I didn't do anything wrong I don't care who knows that I said it, all I stated was facts.
Nice person or not unfortunatley her memory was not right, because she had the WRONG person. But I'm not here to start an online debate. I sated the facts and that is all I have to say. I will continue to make attempts to speak with the owner and maybe meet with him and this waitress who seems to have mistaken me.
Whatever.. I just posted what their side of the story was. Be it confusion, or not wanting to admit your to cheap to leave a tip. LGross, I don't understand what you posted about not leaving a tip on the first drink, and tipping out if you decided to stay and continue drinking. If you didn't decide to stay, of your own volition, the bartender gets stiffed of a tip on that first drink? Thats nice, and they'd really love you when you came back again in that instance as well. :roll:
Facts or fantasy. Personally I don't really care. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. My own suggestion is, if you don't like the place, don't patronize it. What puzzles me, though, are those who claim to have been there on a number of occasions and claim that they have been treated badly each time. Why do they keep returning? They say insantity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
I think this horse is already dead, we can probably stop beating it now. :lol: I am anyway. :mrgreen:
Because there are only so many places in Clayton one can get thrown out of before you have to make a circle hoping that you will better received this next time around. Craig
Keeping my mouth shut, keeping my mouth shut, keeping my mouth shut. OMG Regan has come out and i cannot hold it any longer. i have a very strong desire to believe the OP due to the fact that as most of you long time posters know i had a similar experience being mistaken for someone else the 3rd time i had ever visited the establishment. The night of the occurence i had no idea what was going on but later discovered that i had been mistaken for someone else. When i, as a bartender and restaurant manager of 18 years discovered i was mistaken for someone else tried to settle it, i was told that Eric was not interested. Evidently, if they make a mistake, they will never own up to it. Personally as a past Bar and Restaurant Manager, if any waitress, waiter, or bartender ever confronted a patron about a tip, they would be fired immediately. Anyone who has ever spent any time working for tips knows that there are those that do not tip and while it may be extremely annoying, the good tippers make up for it. It is all a balance and they still end up with lots of money they do not have to pay taxes on. Hush Regan - time to shut up:lol: