Don't leave your purse in your cart! When I was there Thursday, someone said that an elderly lady had her purse stolen there earlier this week. Plus there's this lady in the area stealing purses! Anybody know her? Personally, I never put my purse in my cart, for that very reason. If your purse is too big or heavy for you to carry while you shop.....then clean it out and get smaller one.... LOL! :lol:
I lock my purse into the seat of my cart using the child's seltbelt pulled through my purse straps and snapped closed. Even using this precaution I never wander from my cart. My purse is not too heavy or big, just inconvenient as I lean, reach and bend for my items as my purse slides up and down my arm!
ARRGGH! My Mother does that ALL THE TIME! It totally kills me. She just sits it there, usually wide open. :roll: Once when we were shopping together, I took it out and put it on my shoulder-under my own pocketbook. She didn't notice until it was time to check out. :-( And HG, my Mom is one of those that leave her garage door open. Drives me insane! As a teen, when I locked myself out of the house I used the attic access in the garage, crawled through the attic and exited the access in the hallway. Never needed a key. She doesn't connect that there are bad guys out there that can do it too. I just know that one day I'll get a call to come identify the body. :-(
I had my purse snatched out of a shopping cart in a parking lot several years ago. Believe me, I'm a lot more careful now! I was loading groceries into my car, and these kids came by in a pickup truck and snatched the purse right out of the shopping cart and kept on driving! It was such easy money for them, they kept on doing it until finally they got caught after about the 5th time, somebody got their license number. It was awful, I had to cancel my credit cards and my cell phone, get a new driver's license, replace all the stuff that was gone, and the worst part was how violated I felt, personally.
Lowes home improvement theft I was loading my stuff in my van at Lowes at 40/42. I had set my purse in the back while I unloaded. My son did the ut-oh I gotta go potty dance and I grabbed my keys and shut the van. I guess I didnt hit lock like I thought I did. But when I got back to my van, my purse was gone. Someone had to see me put it in and leave for them to go right for it. (but the stuff I bought at Lowes was still there.) Lowe's didnt care in the least. I know it was my fault, but geesh!
Don't they have security cameras there? (I thought every one did these days, or is it just for the psychpaths that shop walmarts :mrgreen: ) Could they look to see ... just to see? I do the same thing kinda, and on purpose... kinda... If I'm not close to a cart return thing I always push it back up to the store. I figure 1. I need the exercise, 2. It makes some one elses job at least one cart lighter and 3. It ****es me off to the core when there's a cart left in a spot that I could be parking in! (grrrrrrrrr dh does that crap some times) But, when I do I toss the keys in the console and leave my purse under a bag. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the keyless entry feature!! I told DH we didn't need it. (I felt it was a waste of money) But now I'm so glad we got it! Side note: If the kiddos are with me I'm in a natural state of panic no matter what I do. :shock: (big baby chicken still fits nicely, thank you)
My youngest son taught me that lesson when he was about 10yo. i just never thought about people in a grocery store stealing your purse and i used to just set it in the kid's seat and go on about my shopping. While i was looking at food on the aisle, he snuck up, took my purse and went down the next aisle:shock: Of course i freaked out for about 30seconds before he came up to me and said, "see Mom, that is what can happen". i wanted to both hug him like crazy cause my purse wasn't stolen and whoop his butt for scaring me so bad. But he did teach his old mom a lesson.
I had my wallet stolen once, AT WORK, by another employee! :shock: I know who did it, but was never able to prove it. I'm pretty careful with mine now. Once is enough!
I was in the <vomit> Wal Mart in Fuquay about 3 weeks ago on a Saturday <busy day> and some lady and her husband were shopping, they had left their cart AT THE END OF THE ISLE while they were in the middle of the isle bending over looking at something. I reminded her that her pocket book was wide open in her cart at the END of the isle. You cant help someone who wont help themselves. :roll:
^^^I recently said someithing similar to a middle aged woman who left her open pocketbook in the cart while she was at the other end of the aisle. She gave me a look as if to say mind your own business. Made me wanna swipe the dern purse and leave it waiting for her at the checkout just to prove the point.
I have never had my purse taken thank god ,cause I would probably get shot or stabbed ( I would be fighting for it. ) I here recently left my car unlocked at home and left my purse in it, came back to find my purse unzipped and some pics I just got developed missing .My wallet still there with $150.00 in it and credit cards . Not to mention cds and other things and they just took my pictures .I was so mad they were of my daughter and I at the beach and I can't replace them. At least they didn't take my wallet and get my DL and credit cards I guess but still makes me mad. I will never leave my car unlocked even if its just for a minute.