I considered posting this at Ike's Store, but decided to give Kelsey her own thread in case her story led to any discussion. You may have heard of Kelsey before, but I've just become acquainted with this precious little girl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWow42TCwzg
I did not know this, and now that I'm crying omg, what a pretty little girl..how sad, just so sad. You can see the changes in her towards the end....I need to go and hug my daughter now.. sheri
That is just gut wrenching!!! I just don't understand how people can do things like that to someone else, let alone a defenseless child.....how terribly sad. They should never get parole! :evil:
Did you watch the Fox 25 video of Raye Dawn Smith - the Mom - after the heartbreaking video? This woman is sitting on tape talking about how much she loved her daughter and how she was a good mom????? She & I must define Good Mom totally differently. She had to know something was wrong with the scum she brought in to share a home with this little angel. You'd think maybe this "Good Mom" would have noticed the broken bones & the bruises. How many "Good Moms" have their children removed from their home by social services?? This woman is pathetic with her sad little tears. She's not crying for the beautiful daughter she helped kill - she's crying for herself. At the end of the tape she says that all that mattered is that her daughter knew she loved her. How would her daughter know that? I wonder if this poor excuse for a mother thought kissing her daughters boo boos after her boyfriend beat the crap out of her was the right way to show her child how much she cared. I hope Raye Dawn Smith has to suffer through life the way she let her child suffer. Maybe someone can break her collar bone, both of her legs & give her a few good kicks in the stomach. Maybe someone can introduce her to the thugs in the Jenna 6 case. Those 6 fine, young Jena citizens would probably enjoy kicking the crap out of this piece of white trash. People like this make me SICK!!!!!
I thought I read that the mother was getting 27 years in prison, I'm sure she'll get what she deserves there. Just a sad story...:cry:
Remember seeing this before, but the tears still fall again - will never understand how any parent will stand by and let their child, a gift from God, be abused., tears are still falling from me.