I don't get out that way much but I used to play at McKinleys and I did karaoke at a close by competitors (since gone) and have had many opportunities to be there in the past. Unless things have changed in a major way, I have always found the staff friendly, accomodating and it's a place I would be comfortable in if I lived nearby. I know Eric personally and think he's a great guy. Of course in the interest of being fair and balanced.must offer this. Years ago I managed a big restaurant in Raleigh and Eric was on staff there as one of his first food service jobs. I think he was 18. So, the possibility exists that if Eric IS a ***** occasionally it's because he received training from one of the best. Whenever I hear of people whose lives I've touched it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. God bless, Eric, and continued success with McKinleys.
I was in the Lowes Food Shopping Center about 6:30 PM last night and saw one of McKinley's regulars stagger down to Lowes Foods and then back to McKinleys. He could not walk a straight line. Hopefully he had a designated driver when he finally left McKinleys.
Craig, I hope you aren't referring to me, since I did tell the truth and say we got thrown out after the waitress pushed my DH and made me fall, just because my DH questioned her motives. I've never been to any other bar in Clayton, except Goodtimes when it was open and never thrown out of any other place in my whole life. I've actually never been treated so badly at any bar establishment in my whole life. I guess I've went back to keep trying to give the place "another" chance, because of my friendship with some of his family members, but I'm done with that now. They know how I feel, they came over Sat. evening and I told them point blank, and they even said they understood, because they've had other friends with similar experiences. I go to CDH now and love it. We went this weekend and had exceptional service. BTW-The wings are naked and good.
I have a stupid ? after reading all this crap. Yep I'm bored this am. :lol: Why would anyone pay after each beer or the first one? I've NEVER done that. I usually want more! :lol:
I've actually seen many people walk up to a bar, be it McK's or ODS or What used to be Vick's that paid cash for each beer as they were ordering them. I've also seen people sit down at the bar, pull out a $20, lay it on the bar and order a drink, once that drink was gone they'd order another with the change that was left over from the $20 for the first drink and they usually tip as they go that way. Craig
I wasn't refering to you directly as I have seen many people over the years get thrown out, vow to never come back, and usually if you give it a few months they are right back in the front door because they have worn out their welcome at several other places. Craig
watch out tip chasers, from wmpm... "Waitress Thrown Off Car While Trying To Stop Nonpaying Customers - Smithfield Police are searching for a hit and run driver who slung a waitress off the hood of their car after failing to pay for food. Around 7pm Sunday, police said a couple tried to leave Outback Steakhouse on Industrial Park Drive without paying their $161 meal and beverage tab. Two employees jumped on their car as they sped away. One employee, Candace Wright, 24, of Raleigh , was thrown off the hood of the car as the suspects Cadillac raced across the parking lot of Carolina Pottery. The second employee, Brian Batchelor of Selma , jumped off the roof of the car when the vehicle stopped briefly before entering Industrial Park Drive . Wright was transported to the hospital where she was treated and released. Batchelor wasn’t injured. Police Detective Lt. Keith Powell said the case remains under investigation."