Ok, I'll admit that during my morning I flip radio stations including Gi05. Starting on Monday I was no longer able to pick up G105 without some serious interference from another station. I thought it must be a fluke, but this morning it did it again. Is anyone else having trouble with the signal in the morning?
I had some yesterday, this morning they came in a little better, but I also had problems with 99.9 so not sure whats going on..
Yeah G105 was messed up yesterday. This morning it was back to normal for me though, coming down 70 and 40 to Raleigh.
WHAT'S G105? I have to admit that since Janurary of this year I've had Sirius and had XM a year before that, and couldn't be happier without hearing the drabble of Bob and The Boregram. Craig
I don't even listen to the radio much anymore. Usually talking on the phone or jammin out to a CD. <with the windows rolled up> It's been at least 3 years since I've listened to G105. Don't they play rap now? :?
I've been having the same problem with the reception... yesterday Barry Manilow kept breaking into the Showgram. I like the morning talk show on G105 but can't stand the music played later in the day on that station. 100.7 is my favorite station these days.
I have been noticing terrible static on G105 in the mornings. It occurs until I get to around Cary on my way to RTP...and then it gets better.
Sounds like a signal problem. I'm listening to 96, or country, when I listen to the radio. I really don't like much of what G105 plays anymore. Sorry, no help! Frogger