Convicted Sex Offender in South Hills

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by roygolf, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. KittyCat

    KittyCat Well-Known Member

    I understand some of what you write, BUT, you do not live in this neighborhood, you DO NOT have 2 young girls who live around the corner from this man. I do, and I do not want him around my children. I also know several other parents who have young girls who live in close proximinty to this man. It makes me nervous. We are talking about a MAN who raped a 7 yr old girl, not a man who went out with a under aged girlfriend whose parents got mad. You mean to tell me that if you had a young daughter, you would not mind her going around him or him coming to your house to hang out? That is the concern we have. I could care less about any statistics that you or anyone else throw out on this board. The fact remains that it should be a concern to ANY parent with young kids.
    Maybe if you had a young girl living near this man, you could understand what we feel.
  2. cd70storm

    cd70storm Guest

    Cliff You are obviously a complete idiot. If you had young girls living next to a sex offender, your statistics would not matter. But as i can tell, you do not live in this neighborhood. If you did, you would not be so quick to judge, nor express how you feel. Your statistics, as far as I am concerned, speaking for myself, I could care less about. What if he is in that 5 or less %. Can you or anyone else guarentee me that? So with the most reguards, please understand my concern. Cliff, I would appreciate none bogus response, but a non-negative comment on our concerns for our children.
  3. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    I can see Cliff's point of view. The registry is a joke. The rules for who gets on the list leave a lot to be desired. An older boy having consensual sex with his younger girlfriend ...c'mon, what a waste of the public's attention. And the domestic cases where the problems don't seem to go beyond the family. Dozens of those get mixed in with the one who is a real serious threat to the public. The one's like this guy who would rape a 7 year old little girl should be the ones who send up a red flag. With the list we have now, we can't tell which is which.
  4. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    The same reason that they let convicted murderers out, the system doesn't work, there's overcrowding. We as a society are more concerned with protecting the rights of the convicted than the victims.
  5. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    Is there a place in Johnston County that offers self-defense classes for young girls?
  6. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    several of your martial arts places and gyms do. Just call and check around to when they are being offered
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I see alot of young girls coming in and out of the martial arts place that is behind McDonalds on 70. Its next to Star Nails and the pizza place. Same old shopping center where a church moved into the old Winn Dixie store.
  8. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Welcome! Good to see you post after 3 years of lurking, huh?

    Oh, and in that three years, have you not learned that you can't argue with Clif?

    He's always right... :roll: :)
  9. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Apparently you do not have a choice. That person is going to (or has already) moved in. What will you do now?

    Ah, yes, the intelligent debate tactic.
    Learn to spell my name, then we can talk.

    I'm quick to judge??? Have you actually met this person whom you have condemned? Have you talked to him, or are you satisfied with the verbal lynching you are so ready to begin?

    Personally I don't know the person. All I know is that, according to the US Department of Justice, the odds are way far against his repeating his offense.

    And yet you just jump on the bandwagon ready to grab your torch and pitchfork.

    And you say I'm quick to judge!

    After your first seven words in your post to me, you ask and expect what from me?
  10. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    Thats right! I completely forgot about that place.
    Might have to look into it..

    Thanks! :)
  11. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Ahhhh!! You are wrong Clif. Our State releases murderers every single day. Life in North Carolina is 20 yrs. Mandatory life sentence without eligibility for parole is different. That is natural life.
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    You know another thing to think about is how provocative these young girls dress today. Booby shirts, tight shorts, etc. If I had daughters. They would never leave home like that. It is not cute. It's dangerous and causes unwanted attention. But I guess it doesn't help when mommy dresses that way to.
  13. Clif

    Clif Guest

    But they are not released due to prison overcrowding. They have done their sentence and the state has declared they are no longer a menace to society.
  14. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I agree as far as dressing like a ** can attract sickos . BUT, If a child is naked that doesn't give a grown man the right to have sex with her/him . This thread is about a grown man having sex with a 7 year old, he is sick and needs to be put to sleep. They put dogs a sleep for biting people but a birth reject like the man who raped a 7 year old gets to walk around and get the chance to do it again its just plain out wrong any way Clif or anyone else tries to spin it. The laws need to be changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone needs to write their congressmens or who ever and make it where if you touch a child in that way you never get the chance to do it again.We ( as in voters) need to stop electing these judges who set child rapist free or give them 6 months ( a slap on the wrist) for harming children. I would like to see them behind bars for life not 20 years but their whole life.
  15. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I wasn't making excuses for this whack job at all. As far as I am concerned he will get his. Please don't think I was. I was merely making an observation.
  16. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    SS I know you weren't but some people think if their dressed a certain way they are asking for it and in their minds then its ok. Kinda like how men who hear yes when they are being told NO . Its a excuse I have heard people on here use before not you. I know you were not saying that.
  17. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member


    After speaking with the AG's office it has been determined that unfortunately he is living within the law. That is not to say that we did not have their sympathy. They were very kind and informative.

    I am compiling a petition that many of us "down this way" have decided that we would like to have all Southills residents to sign. It will then be delivered to the home...calmly.

    If you are willing to assist in this endeavour (I'd be shocked if you were not) please pm me....asap. I will begin tonight!! The more people we can get out there doing the leg work the less time it will take.

    Please people, right now this is all we can do. Let's come together and work this out. He IS currently living there. I saw him last night.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2007
  18. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    No its not all you can do. Get signs printed up and put them on a wooden stake and put it in everyone's front yard who is willing. The sign could read...

    A Convicted Child Molester is now living in South Hills.
    Exercise your right to know.
    (and then put on whatever sex offender registry site you wish)

    It will work.
  19. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I don't know that I would hand deliver that. Are you gonna hand deliver it? Couldn't he get you all for trespassing if he is offended by it?
  20. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Good luck! Maybe he will move or at the least he will no he is being watched every second he is there.

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