OH MY, and I thought my 10 lber was big..... MOSCOW — A small Russian city just got a really big addition: its resident has delivered her 12th baby at 17.05 pounds - the biggest on the nation's record. Tatiana Khalina, 42, delivered the girl by Caesarean section at a maternity clinic in Aleisk, a town of 30,000 in the Altai region in southern Siberia, Svetlana Gildeyeva, a nurse at the clinic, said Thursday. Gildeyeva said the birth on September 17 went smoothly and both the mother and the child were fine. She said the baby, Nadezhda, was transferred from the small Aleisk clinic to a maternity hospital in the bigger city of Barnaul which had better conditions. The girl was feeling well and developing normally, said Irina Kurdeka, a doctor at the Barnaul hospital. The daily Moskovsky Komsomolets quoted the local social services chief, Marina Alistratova, as saying that Khalina and her husband weren't tall. She said that Khalina's husband was on contract with a local military unit and the family had modest means. "We have presented them with a good washing machine, a food package and a card," Alistratova told the newspaper. "We will keep supporting them in the future." An average weight for newborn babies is around 3.2 kg (7.04 pounds), according to international statistics. The Guinness Book of Records says the heaviest baby ever was born in the United States in 1879. It weighed 23.12 pounds and died 11 hours after birth. The book also listed 22.8-pound babies born in Italy in 1955 and in South Africa in 1982.
That's not a baby. It's a TODDLER already:shock: At least it was a C-section. My 4th was 10lb 2oz and the first three were not much smaller. None were C-sections. :? 17 lbs - Incredible:!: :shock:
Yep, I had biguns too ...my last way 10lbs 4 oz. and was so damn fat she had to wear a 3 month dress home and it was almost too tight. I didn't have C-sections either!
hmpf, I'm in between mine was 10lbs 8oz, but I had c-section, he was estimated at 10lbs 13oz not crazy enough to push him out
I was 11 lbs at birth. Mom had me natural & said I nearly killed her:mrgreen: :shock: Have an Uncle who was 12lbs, and Granny had him natural:shock: :?
My daughter weighed 13 lbs 9 oz and was NOT born by c-section. She was born in Raleigh at Rex Hospital. She's now 9 years old, healthy (not fat) and beautifu!!
Yep, my 10 yo is an extremely tall, skinny minnie now! I can't believe how big she was as tiny as she is now.
Actually, my first baby girl came into the world almost 4 weeks before due date and she was 8lb 7oz. I have wondered what she would have weighed if she'd not come early. I guess about 10lbs 7oz since they say baby gains at least 1/2lb a week in the end of pregnancy. The next two births were both 9lbs 13oz and then 9lb 14oz (actually, #3 was teetering between 13 & 14oz at weigh in time and the doc asked what his sister weighed and decided he'd let it be 14oz since "the boy needs at least one oz on his sister" he said. They were both exactly 20.5 inches long too - go figure). And baby #4 was the 10lb 2oz. Funny thing is, #1 was the hardest delivery even thought she was the smallest. Head was turned funny and the Doc slept in the lounge while I pushed for 3 hours solid:shock: until the nurse insisted he come in and check on me. Idiot! Needless to say, he didn't deliver the next 3 babies.:evil: Really, the last 2 babies were the easiest deliveries despite their size. Both were boys and they were born on due dates. The second baby girl was induced 2 days after duedate due to size. I think most of her weight was in her head. She was a little tough on me but nothing like #1 was. Ahhhhh! The memories I miss having babies. But not enough to have more.:shock: This body can't take that any more. I'm waiting on grandbabies now. Waiting, NOT rushing . I have a few years to wait though.:?
You all must be very strong and able to take pain well. Mine was early and 4lbs 6oz and I thought I was going to die. I ended up getting a c-section couldn't push her out. I guess I am a whimp. LOL When I first saw her I thought she was huge until I saw her in the nursery against the other babies she looked so tiny . My aunt just had a baby she was around 9lbs and she is so cute all filled out with little chubby cheeks and the best color she looks a few weeks old already. I think all babies are beautiful .
Pain nothing....that's what epidurals were made for:mrgreen: Although when #2 was induced they broke my water and gave me petosin so I had dry labor and HARD labor that hit fast. Like one never ending huge contraction until the got the epidural in. That was tough!!!:? No, nothing wimpy about C-sections. My sister has 4 kids too and had to have C-sec with all 4. Her bones are just not the same as mine. It's not something she could have changed if she wanted to.
I was 41 wks with no labor or dialation, the induction would have probably been very hard and since he was so big I went with the c-section.. he was 21.5" long and 10lb8oz, I could not imagine having him natural so yall go with your bad selves...
Praise God my daughter made it into this world. The doctor was a little freaked out by her size. She ended up being the biggest baby born in North Carolina that year. She was 22 3/4" long.