Cleveland Middle Schhol Morning Drivers

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clint, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. Clint

    Clint Well-Known Member

    Cleveland Middle School Morning Drivers

    OK, time for me to vent. Why do some parents pulling out of Cleveland Middle School in the mornings feel that they can’t wait 2 minutes to turn left so they turn right and do an illegal u-turn at the entrance to the subdivision across the street. There are children standing on that corner waiting for their bus and get put at risk by these impatient drivers. I live in the substation and every morning when I pull out I sit and watch several cars turn around at the streets opening. Can you people not see this is dangerous? Does a child have to get injured, or an accident have to happen, for you then to react. Why cant we be proactive and possibly save an accident from happening? I agree that turning left out of the school can be a nightmare but two wrongs don’t make a right. Any suggestions on who I can contact to get something done would be appreciated. Thoughts?
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2007
  2. macy

    macy Well-Known Member

    Cleveland Middle School Drivers

    I have seen the same thing in the mornings when I drop my Grandson off at school. An ideal would be to notify the SHP to do a spot check during certain times and catch some of this going on..or thier presence would help stop it also. Just a thought. thanks. Macy
  3. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Safety of kids -- a worthwhile vent

    And yep - shld call SHP or Sherriff Dept to watch the activities going on by the inconsiderate drivers. Although I'm sure those peeps are not "out to hurt anyone", it does need to be stopped b4 others start noticing "it works" and then follow suit.
  4. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    You know why they do it? They are selfish and think their time is more valuable than the children's safety and if it was there children they wouldn't be happy about it either.

    I hate ignorant, inconsiderate people!
  5. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Go! Mrs. James Go! - Great Job!

    Sorry to Hi-Jack this thread...

    But time for a
    SHOUT OUT to Mrs. Jo James
    at CES.

    Great JOB directing the front drop off & pick up at CES.

    Go! Mrs. James Go!
  6. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    to be sure that if you called them (sherriffs dept ) they would direct traffic there like they do for that church!:)
  7. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I bet one way they'd stop is if parents started standing where they turn around and stop them and ask them to not do it anymore because of the safety of the children. They'd be so embarrased they'd stop.
  8. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    Turning left...

    They do it because the people turning left take FOREVER to go :p If you cant drive (U know you cant), are on the cellphone, have a slow car, are scared to turn left, etc then make a right and turn onto the next rd like Devilock says.

    They really need a light there. That is the worst intersection in the world.
  9. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I'd say call the sheriff's department and suggest a inconspicous evaluation of the intersection and relay the concern for danger. If you speak of danger and someone getting hurt or killed, I'd imagine that would have the sheriff concerned about not heeding a citizen's advice.
  10. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Last year I actually sat there so they couldnt get by. I confronted a couple of them because I got so mad. I learned just to ignore it.

    One lady I talked to said"I am in a hurry and I have my Pj's on." I said "well wopdie *****, you need to get up earlier to get dressed."

    she blew me off. oh well. I was gonna make up my own sign and put it there. My son is at McGees this year. I dont have to be mad anymore.

    Why doesnt someone make a posterboard sign and put it there? No one ever does anything about it.
  11. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

  12. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    It was the same way at Cleveland Elementary...there are quite a few people whose time was apparently more important than ours who'd get REALLY ticked if we were in the carpool line and not over all the way to the right so they could cut in front. Both schools have their main entrances on 45 MPH roads (yeah, I know it's supposed to be slower during school hours but no one comes to enforce that after the first week) and both schools have had really bad wrecks where someone turning left got t-boned. I try to get to the middle school real early so I can be gone when it gets packed...ugh...
  13. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Maybe the PTA could get some parents to volunteer an hour in the morning to direct traffic to keep everyone safe.
  14. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Well at Clayton Middle they have a sign as you exit the drop off that there are no left turns, so everyone has to turn right to keep with flow of traffic.

    At Clayton Elementary the principle stands out there and directs traffic.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2007
  15. Clint

    Clint Well-Known Member


    You know, a traffic/pedestrian cop would be great. (1) it would stop the illegal u-turns that are presenting a danger to the kids standing at that corner and (2) maybe if they posted a gaurd the kids could cross and not have to have a bus pick them up a stone throw away from school. The part that really frustrateds me is that the schools/county seem to ignore problems until a something seriously bad happens. Why wait? Do you want your kid to be the reason they finally acted? I think I will call the Sheriffs Office, and the school district to see what i can do. Anybody that wants to form a group to try to get something done then contact me and lets do it!
  16. casidycoop

    casidycoop Guest

    Lets be real, we're talking about Middle School students here! If these parents are so rushed they feel they can not follow the rules of the road, then why not put the kids on the bus?:roll: I'm sure the kids would prefer riding the bus with their friends rather than the alternative.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2007
  17. ws

    ws Well-Known Member

    toss a few handfulls of roofing nails out into the road way...that will stop them
  18. bballdad

    bballdad Guest

    My husband is in law enforcement and yes it is dangerous but is not a writable offense. If you caused an accident when doing this, it would be your fault and it is not a safe move either. I have had children in that school for three years and have seen several accidents pulling out of the school because of the traffic lined up turning into the school. I don't think that people are trying to be inconsiderate or a danger to any children but trying to avoid an accident themselves. I agree that something else needs to be done but this is a problem for DOT.
  19. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    You have to have a license to flag traffic. We can B8***all we want but has anyone actually called and talked to the school? I know the principle and teachers stand out there but they cant stand by the road.
  20. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    That would more than likely work..............against the one that threw them out there....LOLOLOLOL It'd be my like, I know that! LOLOL

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