Convicted Sex Offender in South Hills

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by roygolf, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Just be careful. That stuff can comeback to haunt you and your neighbors. Inmates are well versed in lawsuits and court manipulation.
  2. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I certainly hope there are NO children in the home he is being allowed to live in, if so, those people aren't much parents!:twisted:
  3. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    well, that will do it. I would have a long talk with my child and let them no a bad man lives there and not to talk to him get his pic and show your kids and let them no not to ever speak to him open the door for him exc., so they know what he is ,its sad but we have to keep are kids informed about the bad people and that they are not always strangers sometimes they live right down the street.
  4. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    If it's public record, then it's already in the publics eye. I don't see how he could do anything if signs were made up and put all over the neighborhood? I wouldn't care anyway, the safety of my children would be worth whatever the cost.
  5. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Thats another thing that Ps me off they break the law and get a education while in prison to help them get away with it better next time . Another bad mans fixing to jump my butt for that if hes online . LOL but the truth hurts
  6. MyKidsDad

    MyKidsDad Guest

    I'm not sure why Cliff is so adamant about defending this statistic. I can only assume that either Cliff is also a sex offender, has some type of relationship with a sex offender, or an advocate for sex offenders. We probably will never know and really it doesn't matter. What matters is that the statistic Cliff is doesn't even apply to this situation. Just to make sure we are all clear on the statement statement Cliff continues to live by:

    "Within 3 years following their release, 5.3% of sex offenders (men who had committed rape or sexual assault) were rearrested for another sex crime."

    Besides the fact Cliff is citing outdated studies, he also conveniently forgets to include the "Within 3 years following their release". This doesn't even apply to this particular case as Ricky Mardell Sewell has been released for more than three years.

    A good article can be found here:

    It's from May 2001 and from the Center for Sex Offender Management which is a project for the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The article explains how the statistics are derived and offers a lot of insight. If you scroll down about 1/3 of the way down you will see the "New Sex Offense Charges (Failure Rate)". The statistics are alarming. For Rapist the failure rate is 9% chance within 1 year, 19% within 5 years, 26% within 10 years, 39% within 25 years. For Child Molesters its 6% chance within 1 year, 19% within 5 years, 30% within 10 years, 52% within 25 years. Wonder what it is for someone who is a child molester and a rapist?!?

    Cliff still with me? You wanted proof to back up the claim. Specifically you said hard numbers, not opinions. Well you got them and I'd say it's from just as reliable a source if not a better source since they specialize in sex offenders.

    Further more that same article goes to say (and I'm paraphrasing to keep it shorter)

    "Studies on sex offender recidivism vary widely in the quality and rigor of the research design, the sample of sex offenders and behaviors included in the study, the length of follow-up, and the criteria for success or failure. To a large degree, the variation across individual studies can be explained by the differences in study populations. Mixing an antisocial rapist with a socially skilled fixated pedophile with a developmentally disabled exhibitionist may indeed produce a hodgepodge of results. One method of dealing with this problem is to examine recidivism studies of specific types of sex offenders. Child molesters with female victims ranged between 10 and 29 percent. Child molesters with male victims ranged between 13 and 40 percent. "

    I agree that some sex offenders inflate the statistics (someone urinating in a public place, someone skinny dipping in a lake, someone streaking at a party, or even an 18 year old involved with a 17 year old that the parents report). And yes I think most of us realize sex offenders have a right within the law to integrate in society. And yes I think most of realize that not ALL sex offenders will repeat. But that does not mean the neighbors in South Hills are happy about it. It does not mean the neighbors (and especially parents) in South Hills will live by Cliff's favorite statistic and and stand by feeling comfortable knowing there is a 94.7 chance nothing will happen.

    Henry Clay said "Statistics are no substitute for judgment.". To Cliff, maybe 5% chance is really not that big of a deal. And in some case 5% is not a big risk. 5% chance of rain is not that big of a deal. But lets see if Cliff wants to pull the trigger of a gun with a 5% chance that it's loaded. All the sudden, that 5% is significant. Just like it's significant to all the neighbors in South Hill.

    Cliff...Since you stated you don't know Ricky Mardell Sewell how do you know what part of the statistic he falls in? The 94.7 or the 5.3?!? The bottom line is this. You can put any statistics you want in front of a parent. It doesn't matter. The ONLY way a parent will feel comfortable with a sex offender living in their backyard is if you can GUARANTEE that the sex offender in question is NEVER going to repeat. Even Cliff Almighty can't guarantee that. Well...I guess he could, but I mean legally.

    So Cliff...I see your reputation precedes you. I'm sure within minutes you will cut and paste this post and use it out of context to defend your statistic. But that's where you miss the point of this whole thread. It's not about statistics, it's about making everyone aware in South Hills that a sex offender has moved into the neighborhood. It's a tight community doing everything they can within their legal rights to protect their children in hope that they do not become a statistic. But since you like statistics I'll give you one for the road. Persons defending your point of view: ZERO.
  7. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    ooohhhhhhh you spelled his name wrong!!! its one F!!!! :)
  8. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    yea that makes me mad too!!!! and about what you said earlier with the neighbor giving him looks and pointing i dont blame him i would too!
  9. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Ssshhhhh....we don't want to **** anyone off...ssshhh.
    I am sure Cliff will make a comeback very soon. LOL
  10. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    Where exactly is South Hills? (Sorry, I'm new to Clayton).

    Also, isnt there a law prohibiting sex offenders to live within a certain mile radius of a school? There are 11 offenders registered near my house within a 3 mile radius and we live about a mile away from a school.
  11. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    Bumping this back up to get the word out!!!!

  12. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    bump yet again

  13. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

  14. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    i would if i lived in that area!
  15. Clif

    Clif Guest

    If you had bothered to read any of my previous posts on the subject, you'd know why.

    But that's a bit beyond you, isn't it? You'd rather jump to conclusions, and this is no exception.

    No, you decide to sign up and, as your very first only post, you decide to call me a sex offender.

    To tell you the truth, it's just not really worth my time to address your drivel.

  16. openminded

    openminded Well-Known Member

    A few questions for you.
    Do you have any children?
    Do you know anyone that has a child that has been sexually abused?
    Do you know anyone that has been sexually abused as a child?
    Do you know anyone that has been convicted of sexually abusing a child?
    If you answer any of these questions with a yes you'd understand where most of us are coming from. If you answer with a no, than you have no idea or can't even begin to conceive why we on this thread feel the way we do.
    Is it so hard just to once admitt that maybe, just maybe your twist on this issue is wrong?
  17. falcon

    falcon Well-Known Member

    Actually I think he was just proving you wrong.
  18. Clif

    Clif Guest

    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes (which goes without saying, based on #2)
    4. Yes

    Re: #4, I also know someone who was killed because a rumour started around the yard that he was a child molester. In my position, I was able to find out that he was actually sentenced to a third-strike of drunk driving. Such is the mindset of those who would act on emotion rather than facts. But then y'all don't really care about facts, do you?

    Ok, so my turn to ask questions...

    Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
    Have you ever been ostracized because of the conviction?
    Have you ever made a mistake for which you paid for and yet you will live for the rest of your life being called a criminal?

    If you answered no to any of these questions then you have no right to talk about that which you do not understand.
  19. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    That would be a prison yard, presumably?
  20. Clif

    Clif Guest

    You've been around long enough to know my story.

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