Convicted Sex Offender in South Hills

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by roygolf, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member


    clap clap clap hands are clapping for you :)
  2. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    I am always surprised when I hear stories like that. You would think I would be use to it living with a L.E.O. :)
  3. openminded

    openminded Well-Known Member

    answers to your questions.
    Yes, speeding violation (crime punishable with jail time, no). I believed that was what you were talking about and your comparing apples to oranges.
    Answers 2 and 3, no and no.
    I really am glad that you were able to pick yourself up and learn from your mistakes but this is not always the situation and I think you'd agree.

    True story. Wake Medical Center hired an excon (convicted rapist) to work in the laundry room department of the hospital as was their deal/relationship with the states prison system. After a couple of months of working there he kidnapped, raped and murdered one of the social workers leaving one evening after work. As you said, he did his time for his previous crime and was able to get a decent paying job, but obviously the first time in prison didn't have an impact on him.

    As I said before, glad you learned your lesson and have done well, just wish others would do the same. Regarding child sex offenders, different ballgame.
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Yes, Yes and Yes. Walked out of Lowes yesterday with a freebie, didn't notice it until I got home. The girl didn't ring it up, just threw it in my bag. :? Maybe she was being nice, I did have my "Apex" shoes on. ;)

    I didn't pay a speeding ticket (many, many many moons ago, when I was stupid) and got hauled off to jail. I ended up paying the fine AND dating the cop!
  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Blondes are more fun.:mrgreen:
  6. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    You are so funny. You love redheads, blondes... haircolor really doesn't matter does it? :lol:
  7. MyKidsDad

    MyKidsDad Guest


    You ask for facts and not opinions and I gave you facts and you call it drivel and don't address it. Instead you quote three sentences, accuse me of calling you as sex offender (which I did not), and call me an idiot. The ironic thing is it turns out my statement is correct. You do have a relationship with a sex offender (I guess you missed the "or" in the statement). It makes it much more understandable why you are hanging on this one statistic even though it doesn't apply to the current situation. In addition you have been a victim of prejudice against ex-convicts. So the reason for the defensiveness is clear.

    What is not so clear to me is why no compassion to the parents of children at risk. Yes, Ricky may be rehabilitated. All we know is that he is capable of scarring our kids for the rest of their lives and that is concerning. NOBODY can argue that fact. Will he do that? Only time will tell. I pray for the sake of our children and anyone else's that Ricky is rehabilitated.

    What I also don't understand is the need to be such a jacka$$ about this. I would think that someone in your situation would do what they can to improve the negative image of an ex-con by showing how one could integrate and contribute to society. Instead you feel the need to berate people, tell them to go to h3ll, and pick apart their post without explaining. It's not that you don't make some valid points, but your delivery sucks and because of that often your points are missed.'s been a busy day. I got to get back to my job that pays me monthly what you make weekly. No wonder you have can post so often. You only have to work one week for every four I have to work! :)
  8. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the part you're missing is that the age of sexual consent in North Carolina is 16. If a guy is 20, having sex with a 16 or 17 year old, there is no crime...maybe some po'd parents, but no chargable crime. If someone is charged with a sexual offense involving a 16 or 17 year old, then there is non-consent ocurring. Only exceptions to the rule that I can think of right now are teachers carrying on with students....or jail/corrections employees carrying on with inmates.
  9. roygolf

    roygolf Well-Known Member

    Remember he confessed to having intercourse with a 7 year old female.
  10. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    You are comparing eating a grape to raping a child or armed robbery? WTF I am going to go turn myself over to the first cop I see and tell him I was doing 40 in a 35 and tell him to cuff me, damn .
    When you robbed them people was it with a gun or knife? Just wondering . Just think if they catch that person who made you feel violated by robbing your car/truck he/she may get more time than that man you are defending who violated that little 7 year old girl . Isn't it weird karma I mean you robbed someone 20 years ago and someone has robbed you and made you feel violated and you didn't even have a weapon aimed at you. But, that little girl who is 7 not able to protect herself against a grown man she dosen't register in your brain you have no pitty for her. That is amazing . Clif I am wondering what you feel is a fit punishment for someone who is a rapist? If DNA is there and they are even caught in the act how much time do you think they should get? What do you think when they leave prison how close to a school should they be able to live? Since you know so much about rapist what do you think should be done to them?

    BTW some crimes are forgivable imo robbery yes its forgivable but holding down a child and forcing yourself into them is not forgivable . If god holds that against me then I will deal with it when that time comes. IMO and the god I know I don't think they will be forgiven I think they will be burned .
  11. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG on the last part of this statement. They may have done their time, but I know of no panel, board, committee, etc, that declares an ex-con to be "no longer a menace to society". Truth is, after serving hard time, a lot would be considered even a worse threat to society. I think, Clif, you are more the exception than the rule and am glad you rose above your past, and I congratulate you on your accomplishments. However, being a menace to society has no bearing on being released (except parole). Once someone has done ALL of their time, they are released, menace or not.
  12. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    Most of what you say, I totally agree with. But.. I do have to say that my God can and does forgive even the most horrible sins when He is asked by a truly repentant heart. Only God knows this man's heart. Read the Bible and see how he saved a man like Paul. He was the worst of the worst but God was able to save him and later use him to bring many others to Christ. Reminder, I live way too close to this guy. I want him to move ASAP. But I have also spent time in prayer for him and his family. Trust me, it has not been easy. I am angry, sad and fearful. If I can do nothing else, I can pray. That right cannot be taken away.
  13. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Have you thought to sit down with this person....and share your concerns with him (not alone) and get a feel for this person and where he is coming from. Maybe he can not afford to live anywhere else.

  14. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I believe god forgives most sins . I also believe the devil has demons here doing things to hurt people and YES I believe that most child molesters are here doing the devils work for him. I understand what you are saying and respect your beliefs but I do not think god forgives the demons here on earth and thats what a baby rapist is in my eyes . I believe god can see right into someones heart and I do not think someone who holds down a child and rapes them has a heart. I think hell exsist for people like that man And the people who defend them. I hope it works out for you and your family. I really believe its time for stricter laws for these sickos.
  15. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Another true story. A guy with no criminal past rape and murdered a young woman. So, you point out one instance of a person who was released and committed the same crime again. How many were released and did not?

    It wasn't facts, it was opinions. Where do the numbers come from?

    No, what I'm doing is letting y'all who rightously declare they have never committed a crime that y'all are lying to yourself.

    I'm also letting y'all know that, if it's "once a criminal always a criminal", then you should be banned from the grocer, as you will always be stealing from them.

    I didn't say a "panel, board, committee, etc." decided, I said "the state" decided. Someone(s) who wrote the sentencing laws decided that after incarceration for so long a time is what's required for the person to be no longer considered a menace to society.
  16. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    so did anyone put up some signs this weekend!?!?!?
  17. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I would be surprised if anyone did. People like to talk a good game, but when it comes right down to it, most people are too lazy to actually do anything.
  18. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    To me, it comes across that you've far more than paid any debt you ever owed. We were all young once, and truth be told, the stuff that could have gotten us into the system, in real trouble, was handled in such a way that a lesson was learned, without far reaching circumstances.

    In my life, I find it easy to trust those who have undergone their baptism by fire. There is no illusion as to what the world can be, just a hard learned reality.

    I do appreciate your stance. As a parent, I also understand the fear that the parents have. I am also realistic to know that the dangers kids face are far greater than this one person.

    Not sure, but statistically, isn't a child more likely to be harmed by a family member, than a stranger?

    It seems that the Subdivision has a plan to place large signs. If this, in fact, were to steer away potential buyers of a home for sale, is the neighborhood not responsible to the buyer for the loss of sale? Even in a non monetary sense?

    Under the NC Real Estate law, an agent may not disclose this type of information.

    Posting signs may well violate the HOA restrictions. If this is factual, a seller may have some recourse to sue the HOA for not having signs removed, even though it was for a "good cause" in their minds.
  19. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I do not believe once a criminal always one. I think Most rapist are like serial killers they can not be put back in public they will repeat the crime. I am not talking about the 18 year old boy and 16 year old girl I am talking about when it is a 20 year old man and a 7 year old girl he should have never been released. I agree some may never do anything wrong again but if we can not tell which ones will and which ones will not its not worth the risk imo.

    As far as what you did. I think its wrong if you are treated unfairly because of something you did years ago but at the same time I think there are some places you should not be aloud to work ( such as law enforcement or schools ) I think if you have done a major crime you shouldn't be able to have a gun . I think of it like this its "Just in case". They have these laws to protect the public for a reason and its not exactly fare to someone like you who has gone on to do better things . But life is not always fare " we learn that as children". The lady who walked out on you once she found out you were in prison was rude but its America we can date and choose are mates as we see fit. Personally I have and we all do certain standards for dating people. I have a few new ones lol. Such as I am not attracted to blonds don't know why just aint. I will not date any man if he says he went more than 3 months with out working ( I am not supporting no man) The convict thing I don't know it would depend on the crime and you can bet there would be a back ground check if he was ever in jail. If he convicted a violent crime I would RUN Fast.
  20. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I'm thinking putting a sign up is not legal anyways. Isn't that a form of harrasment? I'm not sure but I thought I read some where that its not legal to do that.

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