Breast cancer

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Angeleyes, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Its October!!!!!!!!! Its that time again everyone needs to make their appt. to get checked remind your moms, sisters, aunts, wifes and all the women you know.
  2. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    Good Job Angeleyes!!! Our location in Garner just got in the new Digital Mammo Machine too!!!!
  3. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Very Good Reminder! Women and Men take care of your bodies! Men can get this too although it is less likely and only about 1,500 men a year get this but men if you find some "different" then go to your dr too! Just get your mammograms ladies! :)
  4. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I skimmed through that site, but didn't see the answer to this question. At what age should you have your first one?
  6. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Depends. Generally most insurances will allow a BASELINE mammogram at age 35 and then it depends on the findings and your insurance when you have the second. At age 40 you have ONE MAMMOGRAM A YEAR! If you have a family history of cancer (as in mom or maternal grandmother) then most insurance companies will allow one with in 10 years of the age they had cancer. Example if your mom had breast cancer at age 47 then your first one should be by at least age 37.... Just a general rule I guess??

    Call your insurance, I believe most all BCBS plans are at age 35 first! :)
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    :shock: :shock: :shock: I'm late then! No family history though. Suprised my doc hasn't mentioned it, but maybe it's because I've had a bunch of other health stuff going on for the last year. Due for the yearly soon, will have to ask her re:. My mom had one a while ago and it was very painful, maybe that's why I've not pushed it before. :oops:

    Thanks for the info!!

    PS: I have Cigna, so I'm sure they are putting it off as long as possible.
  8. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Cigna is pretty good with the age 35 rule too... Just call them and ask when can you have your first one! LOL Do not put it off if you can help it! And if you are not having any problems then you do not need a doctors order (referral) you can just schedule your own screening BASELINE mammogram. They are generally not the most comfortable thing ever, but 5 seconds of compression 2 times each breast is worth it if it saves your life so just try to think of it that way! LOL Also stay off the caffiene as much as possible before your appt! That will help a lot too. Caffiene is so bad for women and breast related issues! :)
  9. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the caffeine tip, I will try that.
  10. ssmm

    ssmm Well-Known Member

    For those of you who like to support community events...

    Join us in support of Breast Cancer Awareness and the Garner Mayor’s Walk for Breast Cancer Awareness.

    On Friday, October 12, please wear pink to show your support of these events.

    Walk for the Cure at Lake Benson Park on Saturday, October 13th, 2007
    from 10:00 am - 12:00 noon

    Event Timeline:
    10:00 am - Welcome and Introduction at the stage
    Walk as many or a few laps as you like Visit educational booths under
    the large shelter Participate in children’s activities in the field

    11:20 am - Survivor line up at the large shelter

    11:30 am - Survivor recognition at the stage

    11:45 am - Check presentation at the stage

    Registration Information:
    Adult Early Registration - $15
    Adult Day of Registration - $20
    Youth Registration - $10

    (All checks must be made to Komen for the Cure)

    more info can be found at

    I'm walking! Think about joining me!
  11. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

  12. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    KDC mine is 30, I have a strong history of BC in my family, my mom is a 3 time survivor. I have to schedule mine soon!
  13. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    My grandmother died in 2000 from what started as breast cancer in her late 70's. My mother has a history of benign lumps that they have aspirated to determine they were benign. Rumor or not, I've heard breast cancer is very common to skip generations, which makes me concerned. Dr. Meehan had me get my first mammogram at 35, which was the first year I went to her. I don't know if I had gone to her any earlier would they have gotten my baseline sooner? But, I do get mine yearly and am due to schedule this years... Wake Med here i come! BCBS has been great about covering my baseline having been premature by their schedule due to the family history, and then even diagnostic ones for a year and a half after that. (what they were watching in those turned out to be nothing more than an oddly shaped/oversized lymphnode apparently).
  14. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Your mom is a good/blessed woman!!
  15. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Nobody in my direct family has had it yet. I do have a step mom who has had it twice very strong woman. She is cancer free now about 10 years. My good friend in school his mom had it and died she was a very good lady she died at home in bed holding his hand he wasn't but 11 years old. As long as I live I will never forget the hurt on his face when I saw him the next day. He looked so lost so scared and alone. She was such a good mother to him and she would sub at school always had a smile on her face. Its strange I new her most my child hood and never noticed until after she died how he had her eyes. He had a little sister about 3 years old spitting image of her , she wasn't very old I think early 30s when she died. Nobody in her family had ever had it the family was in shock when they found out she had it. It was to late when she found out it had spread .She chose to spend her last days at home with her family. Every year at this time I send out emails to remind family to go get checked cause breast cancer dosen't always pick a age it can get anyone it wants you have a better chance if you get checked yearly checkups and do self exams.
  16. peekaboo

    peekaboo Well-Known Member

    I get checked every year.....

    My mom, and her mom both died from breast cancer, my younger sister has had a non-cancerous lump removed. I will never forget the times that I took mom for chemo, radiation, and even special radiation. She even took the cancer pill. It is a sad, ugly disease! One touching moment that I remember was when I was taking her home after a treatment of radiation and I must of had a touch of the flu and threw up in the car. My mom being the angel that she always was asked me if taking her for treatments was too hard on me...bless her heart! I click every day for free mamomgrams. The priest at our church in NY also died from it. Praying for a cure sooner than later!
  17. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    So sweet! What a brave mom you were blessed with!! Check out this link - I want to order one this week for my daughter (if I can remember) LOL
  18. macy

    macy Well-Known Member

    May God bless anyone who supports breast cancer awareness. a few years ago i watched a 24 year old beautiful woman die from breast cancer. shocking as it was i came to realize that it can happen to any of us. thanks, macy
  19. Sammie

    Sammie Well-Known Member

    Also ladies don't forget about your pap smears as well. Cervical cancer is a very real and scary thing as well.
  20. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Just a piece of information. If you FEEL something is wrong, INSIST & DEMAND a mammogram. Last year, 34yo, I kept feeling pains in my chest. Cardiologist said healthy heart. Kept telling the doc. No one believed me and I honestly think they thought I was psychosymatci--LOL. However, I insisted. They finally ordered a mammogram. Had it done at White Oak. Told them where the pain was and everything. Came back clean. I was not satified b/c in my heart of hearts, this pain was real. Went to Advanced Surgical Associates in Cary. She is a breast specialist. She read the mammogram and then did an ultrasound. She was furious at the first mamogram takers at White Oak. They did not do it correctly and therefore, did NOT find the lump. She found it, showed it to me on ultrasound and it was clear as day. Just about the size of a pea but located b/twn two nerves and that's what was causing my intense chest pain. The lump is benign. But she also said due to my dense breast tissue, I should haev had a different type of mamography.

    So, conclusion, if you know something is not right, DEMAND different doctors until you feel comfortable w/ what they've found or not found.

    Good luck ladies! BTW, they're not too bad.

    Take care,

    Stephanie--mom to 7

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