My sis sent me this from a friend of hers. I have a pic if you are interested. They are PRECIOUS! Subject: Free black lab puppies Please help if you can or know of anyone who would or could help............... Please pass this along to anyone you may know that wants one of these cuties. **rescued 6 black lab (mix) puppies out of the middle of the road on Saturday. PLEASE help me find them homes - otherwise, it's Animal Control - which means they only have 5 days. We've bathed them, sprayed them for fleas and wormed them....but we can't keep them. They are currently in a kennel in my basement since I don't have a fence. I've lost count of the number of rescue groups that I've contacted, only to be turned down due to no room. Please check with every dog person you know to see if they need a puppy. Cathy Goodson
A friend of mine tried to get one of these puppies last Friday and I was told they have all found homes. Are you sure they are still available?
This was on Craigs list Raleigh Pets And someone mentioned it was a Hoax. They also att'd a link about the Hoax and it does appear to be one.
I actually emailed my sister and she said that a friend had emailed it to her. I truly apologize for posting it if its not for real...thats just down-right mean and hateful. All I saw were those little faces in the pic that was included in the email and it broke my heart. They look like my lab did when she was a baby! I apologize and if I can figure out how to remove my thread, I will. Yet another reason why I prefer animals over humans.
Thanks, you guys. It kills me to think of little guys being put down simply because their mom or dad's "parent" was too slack to get them spayed/neutered. By the way, keep my little man in your prayers. Things aren't good. He's been given a matter of weeks (as of almost 2 weeks ago). He's so strong. He doesn't appear to be in any pain, but he seems to be getting tired. We are just praying for wisdom and strength to make the right decision at the right time. My sis says the only difference between Elvis and her 4-legged kids is I didn't actually give birth to "V". I have had him since he was 11 wks old, weighing in at 4.3 lbs.