Not to scare you... but a lady at church, her husband has had a V for 10 years now and welp she's due in March I think. :shock: So either it grew back together ain't his. :shock: Happy humpin' people. If I have another after getting spay welp it's ment to be that hubby will have to be fix next! :lol:
I can't remember what the doctor said the odds are (it was a lo-o-o-ong time ago), but it's not entirely impossible that they did grow back together.
A friend of mine growing up..well her Dad had one and her Mom got prego at age 50, needless to say it wasn't his.
You may have to take them for a few more months. If I remember correctly, you still have to use bc for about 3 months to make sure he's shooting blanks....
ever seen that V8 commercial where the people get hit in the head!?!?!? id like to do that to some people on here sometimes!
After you have been on here for awhile, you kinda learn to just let it roll right over ya - some folks are like my favorite saying - "Can't fix it":lol:
Is that place really that good? I've been thinking about eating there, but from the one commercial it looked like a "Big Daddy's" or a "Fudruckers"
GarnerGirl, guess I will see yall in the next couple of days. I have to have a CT on my back again. They are sending me your way.:mrgreen:
its really good!!!! its a south west grill,(burritos and nachos like that ) i had the nachos and they were yummy!