My downstairs toilet has started making a flushing noise every so often, when no one is flushing it. I looked inside and noticed that the water level in the tank is about an inch to an inch and a half down from the normal line. When I push the metal rod attached to the tall thingy it allows the water to fill up and we have no noise. I don't see a screw that needs to be loosened or tightened on the top so I am unsure how to repair this. Any suggestions? Grace
Okay, I have been out to How Stuff Works and my toilet does not have one of those float balls. We had all the toilets repaired about a year ago and it has been working fine until now. Obviously it does not need a float ball or it would not have worked this long. Need some help please. Grace
My guess ...You may just need a new flap thing that closes over the hole inside the tank. Water may be leaking through which causes it needing to be refilled. The flap costs a few dollars and are easy to replace yourself (I just changed one last week). There are universal ones but know your toilet brand and you'll find one specifically for it at the hardware store. Be sure to shut the water off next to the toilet before you start
Thanks so much for the advice but it is not that. I have checked it and it is new. What I think is causing the problem is that tall cylinder thingy. If I lift it up the water is fine. My toilet does not have that ball for the water level and I am going to check my other toilets to see if they have them. It has been working fine until the last couple of days. Any other suggestions? Grace
put a few drops of food coloring in the tank, wait about 30 minutes. If the toilet bowl has colored water in it, then it's the flapper.
Well I went out to How Stuff Works and started working on my toilet. Thought you might need a good laugh today. I did not turn the stupid water off before starting and when I disconnected the black tube water came spewing out all over me. I started screaming and my daughter came in laughing. I put the tube back on and turned the water off, I thought. I found a bolt that was loose under the toilet so I tightened it like How Stuff Works told me to. I figured, yeah me, I fixed it. Shortly thereafter I heard water. I ran to the bathroom only to find water pouring out of the tank onto my hardwood floor. I grabbed a pot and put it under the pipes and opened the area up to let the water drain out. Once again I checked the water on/off knob and tightened it again. I kept checking it and we had a slow leak so I felt like the pot underneath would be okay for overnight while I figured out how to fix the toilet. This is the only toilet downstairs and because my mother is loosing her body functions it is vital that it works. Woke up this morning and checked on it and flipped out. The pot was full and the tank was over flowing. I took a wrench and tightened the on/off knob again and sure enough I had not tightened by hand well enough. I had called my daughter to come home early last night from a date because my mother was not doing well and I needed to fix the toilet. My daughter woke up early to help and as I was tightening the on/off knob it broke off. She started laughing and I started crying. I put a close hanger in the tank to hold items up so water would not build up. All of my close neighbors are gone for the weekend so I could not call them. I finally decided to call a plumber and he will be out at noon today. I told him what I had done and that he needed to bring a new knob. He stated that they don't sell just the knob, you have to get the whole works for that area. We still have a slow leak so a pot is underneath catching the water until he gets here. What a weekend. And, thanks to all of you for your suggestions. Hope you get a good laugh today when reading this. Grace
I third the flapper. You have water leaking out of the tank, causing your float to go down, causing water to run, to refill the tank, that's losing water, 'cause you're leaking water from the flap, Jack !
It is not the flap! It is because the bolt was loose where the tall cylinder is and that caused the water to continue building up in the tank. But I appreciate your advice. The flap is just fine and the plumber will be here by lunch...thank goodness. Grace
I have to apologize right off the bat, I did get a loud chuckle when i read that your potty was spuing at you, I do hope the plumber was able to repair the problem, I hate the new potties stick with the old fashion flap and ball thing they are easier to repair. good luck!
You know what the problem is? I'll tell you what the problem is..............It that damn Bush and his sidekick Cheney. They are ruining toilets all over America and it has got to stop! :mrgreen:
Yep, it was funny afterwards. I got a plumber to come out today, he had to go buy items to fix it and only charged $125.00. I thought that was darn good. Grace
Ha, ha! If our current politicians would not have passed the Patriot Act I would not have been so nervous about using my telephone due to wire taps. Grace