I went to their final showing at Pope yesterday. It was GREAT. Everyone one the base were teriffic. That was my first time at an air show. Has any one else ever been?
I grew up an 82nd Airborne brat and lived 15 mins. off base, so yeah I grew up going to them all the time!
This was a blast!! Fun for the whole family. The Military really knows how to put on a show. Everything was so organized and structured - I wish Civilian activities were done by Military planning committees. I never see FREE water (Or free admission or bussing & parking) provided by community activities. But, I always see somebody leaving in an ambulance due to heat exhaustion.
We took the kids Sunday and saw the Thunderbirds too. It was really an amazing show. The kids absolutely loved it. And yep, the military did a great job. Made sure everyone had plenty of water. We ended up waiting in line about 1-1/2 hours in the heat to get on the bus back to our parking area. That was tough. But the soldiers were all walking the line to make sure nobody got overheated and that all had water. They were all SO nice and helpful. Gotta love our military!! Even though my youngest did drink lots of water, he still got dehydrated and was pretty sick that night.:-(