There are 2 Target stores in Garner. Do they both have about the same merchandise? A friend's daughter is getting married and she is registered at Target. Would one of the Garner stores be better than the other?
Probably . I think Target at White Oak is a little bigger. Either way, I tend to se a bigger selection there. Frogger
I vote for the one at White Oak....however, if you are going for something on the gift registry, I imagine either would be ok.
Those things are all digital now and it doesn't matter which store you register. You can pull it up in a Target in California if you want.
A Target is a Target is a Target is a Target is a ... Unless it's a Walmart! Then it's a Walmart is a Walmart is a Walmart...
My bathingsuit from last year came from the two Garner 2 targets - the top from one and the bottom from the other. :lol: So, if they sell out at one, go to the other store.