you know we are not going to get any major rainfall so whats to debate, cut back the water usage or its going to get gone....
I have cut back a lot! Only washed the bike and car once :roll: Laundry is once a week (2 loads; 1 whites, 1 darks). Washing dishes by hand. Flushing the toilet after 2 or 3 pee-pees :lol: Faster showers. Oh and Shelby has gotten 2 baths since we've been here. No flowers to water, no grass to water so we're doing our part.
Doing dishes by hand might not be necessary. If you have an energy star dishwasher, and wait until it's full before you run it, it doesn't use any more water than doing the same amount of dishes by hand. :mrgreen:
Girl, this dishwasher is the biggest piece of **** I've EVER seen. :lol: It's got to be from 1945. Doesn't get the dishes "clean" to my standards, so I'll wash them by hand #1 to save water and #2 so I know they are clean. I HAD a Maytag :?
:twisted: i thought about you down there today hg when i got out the halloween decorations! :twisted:
I was talking to th corps out there at Falls Dam last week and they mentioned that our water supply is dependant on Falls Lake also, so the faster Raleigh uses it the less water we will have in the future. Same goes for points south. Maybe we should start promoting Raleigh to conserve also.