I posted this in another thread, but I want to make sure people see it ..... So something happened this morning that completely *issed me off. The "new manager" at Pizza Inn I hear he is very rude and seems ungrateful. Let me add fuel to the fire for this....As 2 PTA moms were walking across the SCHOOL CARPOOL AREA to get to their cars this MORON almost ran us over. This is not an exaggeration. He literally put the car in reverse when we were 5 feet from the back of his car. We had to stop and then he SQUEALED TIRES he took off so fast less than 3 feet in front of us. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Well, let's just say that one of the women was the person who schedules and organizes "spirit nights" with local restaurants and *issa Inn WILL NOT be one of them this year. He also is going to get a not so nice call ....