I used to work in a nursing home. This statement brought back a lot of memories. Funny ones. When my "silent little lady" got "back into the stream of life" it as truly a sight to see! One day a local pastor came to visit and offered to wheel her to the room holding that day's services. That sweet, demur, stoic and frail thing quickly, loudly and sharply, using as many explicatives as she could come up with (she even embarrassed ME) told him when, where and how to get off! She definitely had a certain spark about her. I'd go to her room sometimes after I punched out and we'd sing. Her favorite was "Let Me Call You Sweetheart". She was a Navy retiree. That must have been where she got that lovely mouth that exploded when we least expected it!
Most of what I have done is up north, cause it was with animals, mostly A Parrot rescue that I did alot of volunteer work for. I really wish there was one down here locally as well. I miss the people and the stuff I learned and just the fact that I was helping the parrots too. Sheri
ok was I the only one that read the original post and didnt think it was for an alternative motive...:?
My turn to brag. He doesn't make more in a month than I do. Especially yearly. But nice try though...
DaNG !! I love that song!! You down with OPP...Yeah you know me!! You down with OPP...Yeah you know me!! :mrgreen: Naughty by Nature..Clif is an original OG.
I read the post and saw it as a challenge. Much like a telethon challenge. A reminder maybe that although we might do a little, we can always do a little more.
All I have to say is dern... I felt bad when I first read this. As I usually do when I hear of all the people who volunteer for all kinds of stuff. I feel like I should do more b/c I always feel like enough is never enough. But you know what I don't feel bad anymore, because I have 2 kids to keep up with and volunteering would do my family a great injustice. I do what I can when I see/hear of someone in need. But beyond that, I have my plate full with my family.
I know how you feel Koo, with kids as a fulltime job, being a great significant other 2nd fulltime job, and a 40 hr a week fulltime job.....seems like there is never enough time. I tell ya what works for me, I get my kids involved, for the volunteering that I do, and now the torch will be passed and hopefully I will have instilled how important it is to help others, even in small amounts. Works for us anyways....
We can only do what we can do. I'm glad you said you don't feel bad any more, because you have no reason to. Keeping up with the kids, raising them right, is a huge contribution to society, even though we may not always think of it that way.
Parrots don't count. They take time and resources away from dying children. I volunteer some of my time everyday feeding trolls.
I have made comments and stated opinions here and there, but with my measly little 125 posts I hardly consider myself a senior member amongst the people on here with thousands. I think you automatically see the bad, cynical or negative in every post you read so it gives you something to bash and start arguments. Which from every thread I read it seems you like to do for fun. :roll: I simply wanted to know what others do in their spare time to help. I like to hear those kinds of stories because it reminds me that I need to do more and it keeps me humble in a world that is all about the "me syndrome." So I think the best thing for me to do is ignore you and your comments in the future as you do not know who I am nor the kind of person that I have come to be.