wonder if there is anyway to find out if that is true. I wouldn't feel so bad about buying it then. And how funny was the Rolex confiscated and given to the Goldman's,was given back because of being a FAKE? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (not funny to the Goldman's of course but to BlowJ) poetic justice always prevails
Go to the library if you want to "trade" for it, you traitor! If I happen across it, I plan to read it but unless I find it at a tag sale for fiddy cent, I ain't a buyin' it!
Thanks for that KD'sGrandma.....now maybe I will go get more than one. Poor Family. I am glad they still keep up the fight!
I recently finished reading 3 books about Mormonism: The Mormon Papers, Leaving The Saints and Secret Ceremonies. WOW what a real eye-opener!!! :shock: Abundant Blessings and Shalom Kimberly Carter
Maybe the Goldmans sound write there own book "We know he did it and our Justice system sucks" I bet it would be a best seller :twisted:
No, they didn't help him write it. After they got the rights to the book they added their story to the beginning. Then there is the prologue written by Pablo Fenjves the man who helped O.J. write the book. Then they have the exact replication of the original If I Did It manuscript. They dedicated the book to Ron and All Victims of Crime. It was actually a real page turner.
Just finished "Playing for Pizza", latest from John Grisham. No lawyers, but he's back in Italy, ala "The Broker". Typical Grisham, easy read, entertaining. Also read "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom ("Tuesdays With Maury"). Another feel-good, life lessons learned, quick,easy read. Worth the afternoon!
What book are you reading THE RUINS BY SCOTT SMITH - Excellent! Stephen King's review says it's the best horror novel of the new century and he's right! You can't put it down!