On the heels of Rushlow's spider bite: I have the killed the third Wolf Spider in my house in 24 hours. One of them was so big I honest to God thought it was a mouse when I saw it out of the corner of my eye. Is there something good I can get at Lowe's or do I have to call an exterminator? And will they really get rid of them? Thanks for any advice.
Bug bomb your house yourself... its alot cheaper than calling an exterminator. DH sets them off under our house atleast once a year, and usually just after Thanksgiving. Thats when I am under the house in the crawl space (which is tall enough for me to stand in... and well lit) plundering around for all my fall/winter & xmas decorations. I hate to move a box and see those dern wolf spiders!!! Blechhh!!:evil:
Ugh. I HATE wolf spiders!!!! At my old house in Raleigh, they would literally chase me through my yard. Hate them...*shudders* My advice? Dont waste your time at Home Depot or Lowe's. Its a big time waste of money. Instead, call an exterminator. They spray around your house (inside & out). They use this spray that acts like a "barrier" that keeps insects away. If the bug gets too close to your house, they smell it or detect it in some way and they high tail it in the opposite direction (like your neighbors house! ha ha!) We got our house sprayed back in April. It lasts 3-4 months I believe. We are just now noticing the spiders again so we are going to call them again this weekend to come out and spray again. Its really not that expensive, alot cheaper than buying all that crap from Home Depot & Lowe's every month that wont really work. I recommend Raleigh/Durham pest control. Ask for Jason! http://www.trianglepest.com/index.html
Yeah you don't want to mess with them...but if you google them you will find out that the ones that are normal house spiders (hobo spider, and brown rucluse) can't be killed by bombing the house. I did alot of reading on this after I got bit. Wolf spiders are ugly, but they aren't known for bitting. Sheri
I was about to say the same thing....Spiders have millions of tiny little hairs on their legs so they can ease on thru any poison, the bas-My Friend....but they can't escape the bomb.....so I say BOMB! I don't care if they don't bite, if they don't pay rent, then they got to go......ughhhh I Hate a Spider.
I hear ya there, but there are good spiders that kill bad bugs, so you don't want to kill them all. I don't know what got me, but I tell ya I don't sit on my front porch anymore to smoke..I stand lol. I have alot of spiders out there. As far as in the house I haven't seen a one. Sheri
I had a Golden Orb outside that I named Elvira and I would hate to kill her. I also try to leave the webs outside alone and I actually used to trap the Wolf Spiders(in spite of the jumping towards you) and take them outside. My daughter gets hysterical when she sees them, though. And once I moved a throw pillow on her bed and there was a Wolf Spider on her pillow-so they have got to go! Enough to give you nightmares... Thanks again for all the advice.
Usually the only spiders we (wife and I) leave alone are the writing spiders (Charlotte from Charlotte's web) The rest of them are toast. Though in all honesty I'd love to own a Goliath Bird eating Tarantula. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goliath_birdeater Craig
they can live outside all they want, God's creatures and all that....but in the house, GOT TO GO! I don't play. HATE SPIDERS. :mrgreen:
Okay Pickle, I'll bite (get it - heehee!):mrgreen: What the heck is a golden orb?? and Tassy - I THINK I MAY VERY WELL HATE YOU FOREVER FOR POSTING THAT HUGE PICTURE. IT SCARED THE *#*% OTTA ME. I HATE THOSE THINGS.:shock: :-( :shock: :lol:
So I can deal with the spiders in the garage. How the heck do you keep them off your vinyl siding...............they are making a huge mess on the back side of my house??
MommySAIDNO, if you are Southern you probably know them as Garden Spiders and if you laugh in front of them they will write your name in their webs and then you will die. At least that is what my grandmother and my MIL said. They are big spiders that make webs with a cool zigzag pattern in them. I am not talented enough to paste a picture.
If you have birds and some other types of pets, leave the bombs alone and call an expert and let them know about your pets - some of those bombs are deadly to birds.
I would like to know as well. And we have these really weird ones in the siding that only come out at night and look kind of like tiny crabs.