Sick babies... Baby girl is just as sick as sick can be. :-( Going back to the doctor again today for the second time since Monday.
OMG that made me laugh.....I think I am burnt out on the Sudafed....but thanks....I am going to see my Dr. McDreamy ENT today, and he'll give me the good stuff....oh and he'll write me a RX too.
Those stupid little paper fortune thingies we made when we were kids. You know, choose a color, then choose a number, then choose another number (stand and wait while kid moves the little paper mouth looking thing with fingers 20 times) and then get told something stupid like "you are terrible at singing" or " you eat buggars". Some kid taught my kids how to make those things last week and I have 4 kids coming at me with them now:roll:
LOL thats funny! at least they never came true, we made the ones with who you will marry and how many kids you would have
Koo - what's wrong with your baby? I have a sick one too. Has a 103 temp and sometimes complains of head hurting but other than that NO other symptoms.
DH and I decided last night that we are gonna make our own for the kids with stuff like..."you need a nap now" or "time for a spanking" and "you get turnips for dinner all week":lol: :lol: :lol: Hmmmmm maybe DH and I should make one JUST for US:?: :shock: :lol:
I bet that's the crude that all my neighborhood kids have passed around in the last couple weeks. Symptoms vary, but from what I've seen are: headache scratchy throat fever tummy ache It lasts a couple of days and then all is well.
Sound about right. Only 2 of my kids had it last Thursday. Youngest had 103 temp for one day and head hurt. Next day, he was fine but his big sis was not. She had it 2 days and then was fine. SOoooo we take the kiddos to see the Thunderbirds Sunday and little one gets too hot and a bit dehydrated (even though he drank tons of water). Comes home asleep but wakes up screaming about his head hurting and throws up 3 times. Then, it's over. Monday, he wakes up and is fine all day. Tuesday, He gets up, plays and such, says he is cold (he never gets cold) so I check temp. NO temp. Tell him to get in his bed and cover up to warm up. He falls asleep and sleeps 2-3 hours. Gets up with a 103 temp and keeps it until this morning.
Actually.... I rather like that idea! For the kids, one for Pick Your Punishment, one for Pick Your Reward .... yeah .. we could come up with a few things for ourselves as well ... :twisted: how did ya say ya fold those things again ? :twisted:
:-( Dang! Poor babies ... ... :shock: I'm stocking the truck with with Purell today. Last year, when I picked mine up from school, I told them they weren't allowed in the truck unless they used hand sanitizer first. I swear I was sick as a dog the first year my first born was in school!
I know - hard to keep those germs at bay. Now the little fellow has no fever and he is happy and bouncing off the walls. He wants to go outside and play today but I am not sure about it Advice:?:
Okay ladies. I'll get DD to teach me again and I'll TRY to tell ya how to make them. But only if you tell me what you put in the one for you and DH j/k:lol: