Or, if the democrats are a little to far to the left, you might try the communist party office next door.
Welcome to the board and to the area - honestly there are some great people on here - you ought to try to make arrangements to come to our next lunch get together on the 26th and meet some of them.:-D
2 boys here....WOO HOO....I can barely stand myself during that time of the month....sure glad I don't have to endure others under the same roof
Only 2 of us in this house so far. At least for another 1-2 years (I HOPE). DH says when that 2 becomes all 3, PMS is going to stand for Pack My Suitcase for him and the boys. :lol:
We were at some outdoor school function and DH was conversing with another father. I directed my attention to them as DH began to comment to the man about him having five daughters. The man shook his head and rolled his eyes and most politely he said, "It's going to be hell when all the moons align". I thought that was funny.