i saw that on GMA the other day, checked it out but there are no postings for my neighborhood. Just a thought though, if you ever want to sell your house do you really want to post on a site like that about your neighbor to deter buyers????
I don't know what I find more amazing. People who tell that much crap about their neighbors to the world or the idiots that sign their names to what they say! Then again... they could be putting ANOTHER neighbor's name there... hmm I bet the news headlines will be different once the "evil pigs" and "slut bucket" see what others have had to say about them ....
Yeah! I know Ken, I am trying to turn the other cheek. I just get really frustrated about it all some days.:? Not sure I understand what you mean by "Don't even hint at playing that game here" I just figured this was a place where I could vent my frustrations about it instead of on my neighbors. And it's not like you guys on here know who my neighbors are or where I live since I would not ever post that. I do understand your point though Ken. Too late about the kids, they have already said plenty of garbage to the kids. I appreciate your concern!!
What concerns me is that some of your neighbors may read on here, and might be able to put together information from your various posts and figure it out. Just be careful, Mommysaidno.