The most annoying things EVER.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KellBell, Oct 5, 2007.


    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    So......funny, your kids rooms sound like mine. Any time we start missing spoons, forks, plates, bowls and drinking glasses we know where to look, under the bed or in the bedroom closet of both kids. But of course when asked if they've cleaned up and out their rooms the answer is "yeeeesssss", when the above mentioned items remain missing I drag myself upstairs to their rooms and start the search and rescue under the beds, whatcha know all the missing items are found, time for the big cleanup and no one goes anywhere until it passes my inspection. Ugh!;)
  2. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Not at my house. My girls know the rules, they get NO privileges (no pc, no phone, no hanging outside w/neighborhood kids, etc.) unless their rooms and bathroom is CLEAN (to my standards). We usually try to check their rooms in the morning before we leave, because I like their beds to be made, etc. and their rooms tidied up before school. No eating, drinking, etc. upstairs. When they complain, I say your Dad and I work hard to provide you with so many nice things. We pay the mortgage payments, etc. so while you live under my roof my house is going to stay clean and your going to follow my rules. They also do not get an allowance for doing chores, they need to learn the real world.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Okay, todays most annoying thing for me is the two drivers that cut me off to get into my lane, two different roads (70 Garner and Tryon Rd.) didn't use their blinkers, first one just whipped right in between me and the car in front of me on 70, there was only a car length between us, then she rides that poor guys bumper. The Tryon Road incident happened around Dillard Drive where the right lane is a right turn only lane, she (yes, a women) just starts coming over into the left/straight lane with me already there, my car and her car are basically even, WHAT'S UP WITH THAT, I laid on the horn so she wouldn't hit me and she starts yelling at me and pointing her finger that she wanted to get in my lane, well I'm sure she travels that road everyday and knows that you have to make a right turn at that point or get over before that point on Tryon, it's not like she didn't have fair warning about it and what am I suppose to do, drive for her. Thanks for letting me vent, feels so much better.
  4. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    They also do not get an allowance for doing chores, they need to learn the real world.


    You do not get PAID to do your fair share of work at home. Over & above extra project with prior approvial -maybe. But daily chores - NOPE.

    Clapping for Southernborn.
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member and me, we simply HAVE to be related....we run the same tight ship!! OMG...I have all those rules at my bootcamp too. My two boys, have to have beds made before they get served breakfast....just the way it goes at my camp....they 'don't understand' since 'they are going to get back in it'....I always say, you'll thank me later. :mrgreen:

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Actually I have one that's really good 99% of the time about her room, the other is just a slob but very loveable and both are wonderful girls that excell at school and don't use drugs or alcohol. They are not perfect children. If a messy room is the worst they can do I'm okay with that. I admire you and your husband, great parents and I agree with your approach. I have nephews and neices that were raised like that and some turned out to be responsible adults whereas some turned out irresponsible adults. Mine are responsible in other ways, homework, driving, studies etc., when asked to clean they do, they don't complain, but like most teenagers there are times when it just doesn't occur to them to do what needs to be done, they need reminding, when asked they do it. We have a wonderful relationship with both of them and feel we've done a great job since one is in her freshman year in college and the other will be very soon, most of the hard years are behind us, we've made it through most of the teenage years with both of them without issues, thank God. Keep up the good work with yours and they'll be great kids. We've not been perfect parents, look back on some things and would have done them different, but for the most part we're proud of the young adults our have grown into. They both are well balance young adults, that respect and love their family.
  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    If my kids even look at me wrong....I whooop em!!!

  8. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I need you and SB to come over ... The government here has been overthrown.
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    That's what some of my GF's say....if they call and whine about their kids, I say, send 'em on over to Kel Kel's Boot Camp!!!
  10. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you have raised them right. I'm just a neat FREAK and can't stand for my house to be messy! Believe me, if I allowed it my 13 yo would be a total slob, so I have to stay on her or when I walk upstairs and see the mess I'll have a total meltdown! LOL:mrgreen:

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Oh I have my meltdowns aplenty. The family areas, bathrooms, kitchen and master bedroom downstairs are always spotless, it's just the high schoolers bedroom that's usually where the hurricane occurrs. As long as she doesn't create that mess in my areas, which is the rest of the house we have a tendency to let her have her private space, which does get cleaned every Saturday morning according to my specs. Gotta luv'em.:-D
  12. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Being on hold or being transferred for more than 1 1/2 hours now. ****! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  13. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    pompas people!!!

    inconciderate people

    stupid people...

    ok i need to quit because the common denominator here is PEOPLE

    so not me....... I love people I like diversity and i require human interaction.

    ok im starting a new thread check it out!
  14. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    ch-check it out?! baby-baby-bey-bah! .... sorry ............

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