I had to run out just now. I went from 40/42 to 70 and back. This is my traffic complaints. Stay on your side of the road not mine, if you hit me I will sue, if you have a red light STOP, cause if you broad side me I will sue, don't tailgate me cause if I hit my breaks you will rear end me and I will sue. If you are changing lanes or turning use your signals. I can't read your little mind and if I don't move for you, you will hit me and I will sue. (All this happened in a few miles. I feel better now.)
YEP, congrats for sure on quitting. been there done that, am done with the nasty things. it's hard but worth it!! Good Luck!
GO Grammie! Been quit myself for a few months now ... I think it's been a few months. Didn't check the date really ... But it's good to be able to BREATHE!!
Oh don't tell my family. I have been blaming Chantix. lol Now I guess I have to behave myself. (ohh struggling with that)lol You don't have to answer this but did you gain weight?
Supervisor is on that pill to quit also. Omg I wanted to slap her for the first week. She was a major b****.
It does not affect your emotions at all. It is not an anti-depressant. It merely blocks the receptors in the brain that make you feel like you need another.
So then I'm just naturally a witch. Oh now I feel bad all the abuse my family has had to take. Oh no I thought about it and now I don't feel bad, it's kinda funny from my end. heehee
Actually, dear Tawii, lately when I walk there I feel like I have the energy to do more. Even feel like I'm short changing myself by only walking. So, ya never know.. .... Have you seen me at the park?
no, but walking around the track at the park is one of the places I got my start on jogging after quitting smoking. Now that the weather is cooling and I am starting to jog again possibly we will cross paths.