airsoft field or games

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by new2nc, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. new2nc

    new2nc Active Member


    I read the other thread about airsoft guns and thought I would ask the forum if there are any other young airsoft players out there? My son is SO into airsoft, he is almost 14. He has been trying to find an airsoft field or someone to get together with since we moved here. Are there any fields or clubs near or even in Clayton?

    Thanks. Any help would make me Mom of the Year!
  2. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    My son wants an airsoft gun so badly, but I told him he couldn't leave the yard with it, because some look like real guns and the neighbors would have a fit ! but if there was a place to actually take him, that would be cool.
  3. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    My son wants an airsoft gun so badly, but I told him he couldn't leave the yard with it, because some look like real guns and the neighbors would have a fit ! but if there was a place to actually take him, that would be cool.
  4. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this is of any help or not.... but some time back I remember seeing home made signs on White Oak rd about it being a paint ball playing area. ...Is airsoft and paintball the same thing?

    I don't know anything about either. All of our boom sticks are real. ;)
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  6. new2nc

    new2nc Active Member

    Hey Thanks! I will check out that area around White Oak; and I will give my son those links.

    About those multi colored BB's - :? They are everywhere, inside and outside. But our new cat loves to catch them as they roll across the kitchen floor. She actually finds one and plays by herself. You should see her lying on her back trying to get one out from under the stove!

    He plays in the yard too, with a neighbor. Just wanting him to get out and maybe meet some more kids.
  7. new2nc

    new2nc Active Member

    my son, I mean.

    (He plays in the yard too, with a neighbor. Just wanting him to get out and maybe meet some more kids.)
  8. Airsoft is with more realistic guns that fire solid plastic BBs, 6mm in diameter. There are 3 types of airsoft guns.
    Some guns use a spring system (A spring is pulled back manually, and when fired, it pushes air into the chamber, shooting the BB forward),

    Gas, which includes 4 kinds of gas:
    -Duster gas, as powerful as a bottle of AXE,
    -green gas, which is propane without the funny smell, and some added silicon oil,
    -red gas, super high pressure green gas/propane,
    -and black gas, co2.
    No mater what people say, GREEN GAS IS PROPANE! And no just because you just now found out gas airsoft guns actually use propane does NOT mean they will suddenly explode on you! Sure if you're dumb enough to hold a lighter to the end of a pistol and shoot you will have something bad happen, don't sue ME! And please all the parents out there reading this while their children are outside shooting their gas guns, please PLEASE do not get upset about the propane thing. There has never in history been any serious accident with a gas gun exploding. I don't think it's even possible. The guns are made to take propane, if they weren't, half the population in china would be pushing daisies.
    Also, you can now buy propane adapters, because a 1100 ml can of green gas usually costs about $15 + shipping, but the propane adapter screws onto normal propane bottles, like the Coleman (c) ones at wal-mart, whcich cost about 3 dollars, and give you 5 times the shots of green gas! AND I feel a lot more comfortable carrying this heavy weight thick-walled propane bottle into action rather than a flimsy green gas can. There was this one time a guy sniped my bottle by accident and the BB went right through the can! I have done multiple tests on propane bottles and they are "unbreakable", unless you find a guy that got one of those new airsoft guns that shoot hammers! [/sarcasm]

    I don't know how gas guns work, but some hold just enough gas in the chamber for one shot and release it to push the BBs, and in the less common gas guns, the gas is just to move the piston back and forth),

    and electric,

    Man, I'm glad I don't have to explain that ;)

    I don't know much about paintball except that i think the guns only use co2, and they fire much larger projectiles, which explode on impact, getting your brand new $110 ghille suit covered in red paint. (A ghille suit is a suit with fake grass all over it to make you look like a bush), and i heard getting shot with a PB gun hurts a LOT more than airsoft. Airsoft guns shoot anywhere from 75 feet per second (FPS), which would be very cheap stuff that costs like 25 cents, to over 1000 FPS, which are multi-thousand dollar, custom sniper rilfes that probably aren't even legal without a license. Usually, guns used in close quarters combat (CQC) don't shoot more than 400 FPS. Airsofters usually set a limit on FPS/range. For example, any guns over 350 FPS have a minimum engagement range of 20 feet, and over 450 FPS like sniper rifles have to be at least 100 feet away. That's why snipers usually carry a sidearm, which are usually gas blow-backs (GBBs) They are gas operated and the slide or bolt snaps back on each shot, just like a real gun.

    Paintball guns tend to shoot a lot higher than 350-400 FPS. I don't think PB fields have minimum engagement ranges. And since you can only get GAS PB guns, the ones worth getting are all over 150 dollars. Sure any electric airsoft gun under $75 dollars with more than two accessories (not counting battery or charger) are junk, but GNBBs (gas non-blow-backs) tend to be around $50.

    You see why I like airsoft a LOT better?
    Paintball would be better,

    it were airsoft 8)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2007
  9. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    :shock: :mrgreen:

    ...and "[/sarcasm]" ... love it.
  10. I'm active on airsoftforum and that's what everyone does.
    I saw some stuff about airsoft and thought "Okay i'm not alone in NC"
    But then when i saw something about the difference between airsoft and paintball..... Everyone at ASF would have seen this coming.
    It was killing me....
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2007
  11. LaDeeGC

    LaDeeGC Member

    paintball near white oak

    I heard this place went out of oldest use to do it for his Birthday party...they had a great time

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