Not all cat owners are like this. I LOVE cats and have 2. I believe they should be INSIDE at all times. Too many bad things happen to pets that are left outside all day / night. I do agree with you about other peoples cats coming in my yard....HATE IT, but no all cat owners are irresponsible and leave let them outside.
You should see my car, where my 60 lb Boxer treed one of these little bas-My Friend. Scratched the **** up by big ole dog claws.
See, I'm doing the humane thing. I thought if I hurt them in their wallet, they would get a clue. Now, it's just drama.
Assume not tassy...No one said I was going to dump them. I would take them to the shelter in Durham or to a shelter FAR away from here where they are less likely to be reunited with the owners that let them roam free to get hurt and annoy others.
FYI Cleo, I know you are taking full precautions before letting your little ones play in the sandbox after the incidents, but beware! I became seriously ill as a child from playing in a sanbox (that was continuously cleaned) where cats did their business. It resulted in a fairly lengthy hospital stay and to this day my mom will not allow my child near a sandbox. Good luck with the crazy neighbors.
Agreed! The same sickness / micro organism that doctors tell pregnant women to stay away from (no changing the liter boxes) is the same for small kids. It can make them really sick. Once you know the problem is "under control" or taken care of I would replace the sand that is in there.
Which really is the same thing that any of us would do if we had the same problem. We call the pound....animal control. What is the difference?
The way I see it, if the cats owners gave a crap about them in the first place, they wouldn't let them roam.
Have you ever owned a cat? Ever tried to make an outdoor cat be an indoor cat? Now, if you raise a cat from a kitten and never let it have fresh air or sunlight it doesn't know what its missing. Good luck with whoever suggested walking it on a leash. Its instinctual for a cat to want to be outdoors, especially once they've ever been let out. I have an indoor/outdoor cat, and I can't even leave him in the house for 12 hours or he starts chewing up blinds, he's chewed through screens on open windows, all because he wants out. He will tear life from limb in an effort to get outside when he decides he wants out. I really have to laugh (although I applaud all the volunteers and the efforts they make) when organizations like JCAPL are trying to find a previously feral cat who has become friendly a home, yet one of their requirements may be that the cat is an indoor animal... GOOD LUCK! I guarantee that with some of those cats, they are back outdoors in their new homes within 30 days! Have you ever listened to an unhappy cat yowl at the top of its lungs... its horrible.. it sounds like your trying to kill it. I do feel the pain of those who are cat haters, lucky for me I live in a neighborhood of animal lovers. My neighbor and I take care of a small community of friendly feral cats (all are spayed/neutered, rabies & distemper shots kept up to date as best we can). Of my cats, 2 are strictly indoors for their own health reasons, and the remainder are indoor/outdoor. They have all come to us from the outdoors, be it friendly strays that have adopted us, or the friendly feral that I took with us when we moved. Our biggest problem is the dog owners who live a couple streets over, their dogs roam during the day and come through the woods and bother the cats IN MY YARD. Infact, DH happened to be home one day last week and took aim with the bb gun at them. Even responsible cat owners have issues too....
Absolutely, and there is another 60.00 for something that should not be *my* problem. Right now, we do extreme handwashing if I let them play in the sandbox.
Tassy, my other neighbor (a responsible cat owner) has a special fence enclosure that keeps the cats in her backyard. It was pricey, but really cool. She makes an effort, and I appreciate it. If I catch her cat, I stick it in her yard. I understand what it is like to have a cat as a pet - it is really the other way around!!
Yes, have 2 now that were both previously outside cats and I've also raised them from kittens. I've had cats my whole life...I am an avid cat lover, but I do NOT agree with letting cats roam and being in yards where they are not wanted. Letting them roam only makes room for injury, sickness, wounds, death and annoying others that aren't cat lovers or simply those that do not want cat feces in their yards, paw prints on their cars or the lovely smell of cat urine on their porches. So if it's ok to take a bb gun to a dog in your mind then let it be done to cats. I do not advocate either....but to each his own.