Two children approximately 8 and 10 are yelling "your mom is fat and so are you" "my dad's gonna kill you" "hey meet my little friend" (and makes a hand gesture like a gun. They aren't playing with the other children. So does a person take this stuff seriously and call the law? I think that these children learn this stuff from their parents. What do ya think?
Ya know chik, while i do agree with you to a point, i really do not think all violence can be blamed on tv. If anyone else out there in 4042 land was a kid during the 60's and 70's they will remember the classic cartoons were extremely violent and the Vietnam war was on tv every night but you didn't see us kids growing up being disrespectful and threatening. i think it all boils down to the discipline from the parent and the teaching of morals, respect, and honor.
My kids play some games on the ps2 with a little violence. They watch tv and my oldest loves Jet Lee movies. But and this is a big huge but they don't go yelling violent things at other people. I am not saying my kids are angels or perfect but I have taught them some things are pretend and some are real. I want to go speak to the parents (well I guess the mother and her new boyfriend) but I don't think it will get me anywhere except for maybe some trouble and I don't want to have to worry about that. I don't want to call the law at this point because I don't want to seem like i am over reacting.
I say find the parents and tell them....if they are the type of parents who either accept this behavior or don't control it I'm sure it will be obvious. If they don't care then call the law.
You know Kids sometimes don't know how to really express themselves properly, sounds to me like a cry for help.
Making a gun-like gesture with their hand isn't really so bad. Boys are boys and they grow up seeing cowboys and police with guns. You can buy toy guns at Wal-Mart. Boys have been playing games like this for probably as long as there has been guns. Its role-playing, but at the same time there is a parental responsibility to instruct about toy guns and real guns, the differences and the extreme importance of knowing to leave any unknown gun alone. Now, we'll stop right there before it sounds like I'm advocating what is going on here. The behavior that these particular kids are demonstrating certainly sound like poor parental role models here. The statements they are making are parroted from what they've heard their parents say or what they've heard on television. TV is tricky, especially certain channels. Nick Jr. and Disney will quickly switch from children's programming to teenage material. Standard adult programming will show violence, sexual encounters and strong language any time, day or night. There was a movie on just yesterday mid-day with Bruce Willis in it and they rolled several "GDs" out with no editing at all. Are these kids allowed to watch shows like The Simpsons...or The Family Guy? If so, these are more mature cartoons and shouldn't be viewed by young children. That said, I doubt the law is going to do anything and if the children are not really in danger, I'm not sure if Social Services should be called on a whim either. This is just a inner family matter the way I see it, until one of those children shows aggression toward another neighborhood child. Then, its serious. Frankly, I wouldn't allow a child of mine play with these kids (especially out of my line of sight) and if they come to your home or property, SET THE GROUND RULES, if you are going to even allow it. The sad thing is that these kids probably are shuttled from a questionable lifestyle at home to a school where teachers have little nurturing skills. A good school and teachers could possibly help, but probably won't in their case.
I think you're probably right as far as the name calling.....if they hear that kind of stuff in their household (even if its considered kidding between family members) the kids probably think its okay to talk to others that way. I've heard parents talk to their kids like they were dogs....or worse, I wouldn't even say such things to my pooch! :shock: As far as the gun thing...I dunno..maybe from video games, I know some of those are very violent. As far as calling the law, maybe take note of the incident, if you see it happening again, then take action?
Yup.. I was at the park the other day and there was a mom there playing with her little girl, maybe 4.. The girl was on the hand monkey bar thing... The mom was very encouraging! Supportive! Cheering her on and such.. Then when the little girl couldn't do it and wanted to go on to something else, the mom said "(what ever her name was, Lashondra.. or something...) __________, you suck". She said it in a playful voice about three times.. I took my kids to a different section. Later she was making comparisons to the child. "see. he can do it. You suck". We left. :roll:
My kids don't play with these other kids. Mine were in the yard do work and the other ones were in the street saying this stuff. And then one was on their front porch yelling "my daddy is gonna kill you" Umm hello scared my son and concerned me big time.
Oh, it just occured to me of your location. That explains everything. Wow, and you only have 13 more posts to go before the big number. Yikes!!!! j/k
nsanemom22...I don't know why...but I am really amused by your avatar. I get a little chuckle from it every time I look at it.