I'm pretty sure I read/heard that Portia de Rossi is actually the one who signed for the dog, not Ellen herself.
The fact that somebody would be looking up my deed online, trying to catch me in a lie would just be creepy. These people probably stalk in their spare time. It's much easier to have humans!
I agree with "rules are rules" "contract is a contract", simply think that the way the rescue group handled the situation could've been done in an easier way for all involved. What's so hard about the idea that they could have interviewed the family, checked the home situation out and at that point approved or disapproved. Why after 3-4 weeks, with officers you go to the home scare the kids with "we're here to take your dog away" and on top of this turn around in no time flat give the dog to someone else. What was wrong with that family? It's simple, they did it to prove a point and to hell with the kids feelings. What was wrong with this family?
I believe it was because the rescue group had a rule about no kids under 14. The kids in this family were both under 14. At least that's what the Today show reported this morning.
Just keeping you honest, dude. People sign things all the time without actually reading it. When was the last time you actually read a EULA?
OMG, if you have children under 14 you can't adopt one of their dogs. Please this is giving me a headache. Heck, I know more adults that are abusive to dogs. So, lets say this is one of their rules, the dog was found not hurt, well adjusted to his home, well fed, clean, safe environment and a wonderful family to boot. What's wrong with this picture?
I agree to a point.............this is when I think the "power trip" may be coming into play. Again, I really do see both sides. But I don't see the problem leaving the dog where he was obviously loved and cared for properly. Sometimes you have to bend the rules a little. Maybe? I don't know. :?
Agree, in a court of law the contract is a binding matter in some situations. But the judge may also consider the length of time the dog was in their possession and take that into consideration, not sure about the laws in that state. Did Ellen pay for this dog in any way? If so, would it not be considered her right to help choose another owner? A good lawyer can usually always find a way outta a contract, esp. if she paid for the dog. But I do agree with you Ken, she didn't read the contract and that was her big mistake.
Yeh, that's what I just couldn't understand. If the home was a good home, as it appeared to be and the only issue was the age of the daughters than what other reasons did they have other than they wanted to make a point. So, Ellen did wrong. Why not interview the family, approve or disapprove and if need be give Ellen a big old fine of X amount of dollars and case closed.
Your right Ken, she made a poor choice. Hate it when those choices effect others though. Well, I'm off this topic and on to some worthwhile like the dinner I had at JK-s Steakhouse, mesquite wood stove at 1000 degrees, awesome food.
Did you follow the link in the Fox item to see what Ellen had to say about it? She admits she was wrong, apologizes, asks for the family to be able to keep the dog they have grown attached to in 2 weeks they have had it. Here's an excerpt from the transcript; she explains how it all came about, and this follows that explanation: If an adoption doesn't work out, and the adoptive family is able to find another suitable home, doesn't that really save the rescue organization some trouble? Why could they not have checked out this family and let them keep the dog, unless there was some reason not to, other than being on a power trip. From the Fox News story linked in the original post: So if Ellen had done things in the right order, the family could have kept the pet, but since she didn't, they won't consider it. Sounds like a power trip to me.
How much more clear can I be? What is the purpose of the contract? Was it's purpose to serve in the best interests of the dog or the best interests of the shelter people?
Now you know you are supposed to let me know or I'll wonder where my bud is. I'll bet it was very pretty. How are they handling the drought? Grace
I disagree. The principle of this has nothing whatsoever to do with Ellen being famous. This group's "objective" is allegedly to find good homes for the dogs. A good home was found - even if indirectly. This woman is on a power trip, like most of these smug rescue people are, and I think it's disgusting what she's doing.