California is a wonderful state and the people who live in that state are great people. I lived in San Francisco for many years and really enjoyed myself. My Liberal roots came from my upbringing but the wings came from S.F. If a person has not been to San Francisco or the wine country they should take a trip to visit it. It is just beautiful! I know that is not the topic of the Thread but just wanted to help out my state. Grace
You lose. How much did you bet? I remember when that was in the news, thinking what a sad commentary on the state of literacy.
No, it was also not used in context of admission of guilt. devilock76 said that on several occasions and yet you and kdc1970 are trying to tell devilock76 what he meant when he said it.
You know my comment was in response to Clif's post. I realize you were relying on the 1st definition, referring to an act of wrongdoing or damaging. I agree that the information might be damaging even though it involves no wrongdoing. Unfortunately, the word confession does bear the connotation of admission of wrong-doing.
So if I come out and make the comment that being a transexual transvestite from Translvania my opinion on the matter is this......that it is not a confession of who or what I am and that others may view my opinion as being jaded because of who or what I am? Craig
I just read and seen the fussing and watched to see who won. I wasn't really interested in the actual thread ( can not remember what it was about to begin with ) anyhow when they get started like that they being Ken, and Clif its a wee bit scarey so I just quietly watch and thank god they ain't mad at me lol
When you use a word that has several different dictionary definitions, you should not be surprised if some people attribute a different meaning than you intended.
Ha ha! I dont really think it was a "who can win" fight. Its just a thread of opinions. Especially on the word "confession". Believe me, I got quite a few very nice emails from folks on this board. It seems the posts with the most replies are the ones with the most debates, lol.
I just read this thread and I think I see exactly where Ken is coming from on this.:shock: :lol: I also think that the reason ferrick took offense to Ken's responding post in which he stated that it was a "pretty big confession for her to make" is because she saw the word "confession" and immediately thought she was being judged in a negative way. I don't think Ken means to judge her at all, in fact, I think he may have been trying to give her a friendly "heads up" that she may want to prepare herself for some negative feedback from some on here. (Actually, ferrick posted in the "who are you" thread some time back, that she had a "life partner" and I expect some folks figured it out then - at least I know I suspected as much from that.) Perhaps if ferrick had started out by saying something more like... "the fact is, I am a.....", in stead of, "I confess, I am a..." things would have gone a different way?? It's very interesting really when you consider the choice of words. Maybe ferrick chose the word "confess" because she is used to many seeing her choice as a wrong one? Either way, Ken only echoed the very word she used back to her. Why take offense to your own words?? As for the original post, I agree, Arnold is an idiot!! The whole deal is a complete outrage!! I think ferricks response was very well thought out. I think she wanted people to know that not all homosexual people are as crazy as the ones who pushed this crap through in CA. I respect the fact that she made it clear that she thinks the schools should stay out of such stuff and leave it to the parents no matter what your "sexual orientation" is. I think she made some good points. Let me add that I do not agree with any "sexual orientation" other than one man and one woman in marriage. I am a christian and my beliefs are based on the Bible. That being said, I would not want to trash ferrick because the bible tells us to hate the sin, not the sinner. I know other homosexual people who are some of the most wonderful people I've met. We choose to agree to disagree. Now if those I know who are homosexuals try to cram their beliefs down my throat or persecute me because my beliefs are not as theirs, then I would just avoid them. I'll admit...or confess:-D , if you will, that dealing with this particular subject requires more self control from me as a christian than say, dealing with a person who has chosen a lifestyle of drugs is. I am a christian, not perfect, just human! Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. Not trying to start any garbage. Just stating my opinion as others have.
You are opening up a whole new can of worms.... Do you really think the people on this board would actually do that? Besides yourself? And ferrickhead NEVER said, "Perhaps if ferrick had started out by saying something more like... "the fact is, I am a.....", in stead of, "I confess, I am a..." She, like anyone else on this board, has every reason to state her own opinion. I think you are taking on a whole new twist to things and trying to start something up. I think it would be the best of everything right now, if this thread just come to a halt right now. You are really taking this in a whole new direction...
Seriously, why is it coming down to this? I never received anything negative, just alot of really nice emails from folks on here. Want a confession from me? Fine. I like jelly beans. The purple ones. I admit, I will dig through the entire jar of jelly beans and pull all the purple ones out. I then stash them in secret to enjoy on my own later and will tell anyone who asks that the bag was obviously a mistake or the factory ran out of purple jelly beans. There ya go. I confessed something. Leave it at that.
What exactly did he do? Has anyone seen any reports on this legislation other than what was on worldnetdaily and some fundamentalist "pro-family" sites? I'm just guessing there may be a little bit of overreaction there.