Yep!, You are right Ken. Guess I didn't remember it too well by the time I read through 8 pages. Sorry! So part of my post does not apply to this situation. At least some of it still does. And Egghead, also, my bad on misquoting ferrick. As for you stating to me (I copied and pasted this time - not trusting my memory:mrgreen: )... "She, like anyone else on this board, has every reason to state her own opinion. I think you are taking on a whole new twist to things and trying to start something up." Yes, she does have a right to state her opinion and she did so, quite well. I am not trying to start something up. I stated that clearly in my post. I simply stated my opinion also. I have "every reason" to do that just as you do and as ferrick does.
I don't think anybody is really mad at anybody. :lol: Sometimes we do get a little intense about proving a point.
I personally think Arnold let the people of CA down. I could careless what the gays do as long as it does not affect my children and my relationship with them. I think someone who is gay are simply wired wrong. That can be easily rectified with some baling wire, thumb tacks, and no doze.
WHAT? I'm MAD. I'm REALLY MAD! But I'm not telling who I'm mad at. Naaa...Na Na Boooo Boo. And it's not any of you. :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: (oh darn...where's that whisteling sly little dog somebody posted a while back??)
Hey, I'm a republican, but I have different views about gay/lesbian's. I just think people are born that way. I have a few lesbian friends and I grew up with a gay friend, and from my conversations with them, they've always known.
Ok, I tracked down the State Senate Bill 777. After reading it, I cannot see anything wrong with the bill. There is nothing in there about the terms 'Mom and Dad' becoming obsolete, or forbidding anyone from using the terms. It seems to me that this is all a bunch of "Chicken Little, the sky is falling" hoohaw.
Better watch out, somebody's gonna get out a dictionary and find out you are really insane, and try to put you away! :mrgreen::lol:
I was just messing with harm meant for anyone on either side. You know I got nuttin' but love for all God's children, no matter which way they swing.....politically. Oh yeah, could care less about their sexual orientation, has nothing to do with nothing. :-D :-D :-D
Thank you, Clif! After 4 days in the mountains, I have got so much stuff to do, I didn't want to take the time to look it up, so I'm really glad you did.
Oh girl, I know, I was just giving you a hard time . I feel the same way! OK, did you know today is my FRIDAY? :lol:
The orientation of that web site is several steps to the right of Fox News. In the same territory as and littlegreenfootballs.