McDonalds 40/42

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by MY2TWINS, Oct 20, 2007.


    MY2TWINS Guest

    There is an employee in charge of breakfast her name is "name not given " and she is an illegal immigrant. I discovered her status and released her from employment. "name not given " was in charge of caring for my twins. "name not given " was observed on more than one occasion not washing her hands, arriving at work with what appeared to be hickeys all over her neck and chest and so we asked her to resign. I was contacted by "name not given" to advise she would be working at McDonalds, I called McDonalds and they said they only have to verify a social security card and id for the i9 form, I know 100% the social security card is fake and the employee is driving a yellow truck every day to work 5am-130pm with NO DRIVERS LICENSE.....
    I am ANGRY that McDonalds would rather keep her on their staff then to address the fact that she is illegal. I called IRS also...

    Can we not find LEGAL AMERICANS to work for 8.00 per hour?
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    So it wasn't her legal status that caused you to release her, it was her loose ways that made you terminate her and now because she does not meet your moral standards you are continuing to hound her and her employer? Or do you just work for McDonald's competition?
  3. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Are they not on the welfare bus?
  4. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i'm not so sure the IRS cares. ICE might be a better choice...
  5. carolgilx

    carolgilx Well-Known Member

    The I-9 form is a Department of Homeland Security form. When hiring an employee they must present 2 forms of i.d. within 3 business days of hiring. Usually this is a D.L. and social security card but there is a list of acceptable documents. I think U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services should be contacted...we have enough illegals here.
  6. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    Forget the hickeys...It's the not washing her hands that's just nasty...ugh! If you can't take a minute to scrub, stay away from my food! <heebie jeebie shiver>
    As far as the illegal status...wouldn't it be nice if 'they' would enforce the laws on the books and fine the employers who hire the illegals... if it hit 'em in the pocketbook, surely they'd make some changes.
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    So, she knowingly hired an illegal immigrant to care for her most valuable possessions and when that did not work out, she is pulling out the "green" card and slamming McD's? Didn't they do what she did? I'm confused.
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Very good point.
  9. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I thought she fired her when she discovered her to be illegal.

  10. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    So was this person released from her employment as a child care giver twice?

    How did she "discover her status" ?

    Social security couldn't give a rats behind about illegals - that's where you can INS.

    As far as driving with no drivers license - don't tell us, call the police. If you know her shift, and what she drives, the law might be interested in checking her out.

    Why, oh why would someone allow an individual to care for their children without checking them out first? :roll:
  11. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    On a side note, this poster added this thought to A Place For Random Thoughts

    What about the individual who 'outsources' their childcare to illegals? Talk about people living in glass houses :rolleyes:
  12. Bubba

    Bubba Well-Known Member


    Well people this is all a matter of what priorities that our gov places on individuals being legal of illegal. Here is the article posted on WMPM news article, you don't have to take my word for it. Just read it then you will see how our local gov is handling illegal immigrants.

    Quoted from the WMPM newsletter:

    NC Sheriffs To Partner With Federal Immigration Officials - An estimated 400,000 illegal immigrants now live in North Carolina . On Tuesday, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) offered to help sheriff’s departments across the state by allowing them to enforce federal immigration laws at the local level. During the fall meeting of the NC Sheriff’s Association in Carolina Beach, Julie Myers, Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for ICE, said, “By working together in a coordinated manner, we plan to develop a statewide alliance that is both effective and sustainable and will enhance public safety in our state.” Since 1996, four counties have already partnered with federal law enforcement officials to help identify illegal immigrants processed at jails and prisons. Johnston County Sheriff Steve Bizzell, the president of the NC Sheriff’s Association, said the proposal isn’t designed to be a “wholesale roundup” of illegals, but a way to deport those who commit crimes. Mecklenburg County Sheriff Jim Pendergraph said since partnering with ICE just 15 months ago, 3,000 illegal immigrants have been identified by his deputies. He has proposed building a separate 1,500 bed jail in his county just to house illegal immigrants detained. Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison said up to 15 percent of the inmates in his jail are suspected illegal immigrants. Bizzell said, “It’s a win-win, especially for our citizens and communities we serve.”

    What do you think? Personally I think the law is the law, does'nt matter if it is Federal or State, our lawmen are sworn to enforce and uphold the law no matter how petty.
    Ok all you bleeding heart liberals lets hear it from you.
  13. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    actually, mcd's is only required to see the documents, not check the authenticity of the documents. they could have been faked...

    someone hiring a nanny doesn't have that requirement, do they? it seems from her post that she let "name not given" go after finding out about her status. hickeys and dirty hands were mere annoyances. the illegal thing must have been the straw that broke the camel's back
  14. mike79

    mike79 Active Member

    She sounds easy. Still have her number?

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