Can someone please help me? I'm trying to find a library in the area that does story-time during the day for my 4 year old daughter. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Rose
Also, call the Coffee Mill in Clayton. They used to have story time and things like that during the day. Grace
I think it's about the same distance from me as Clayton so I'm going to call both and see what times they offer. I do appreciate everyone's replies.
Not sure, but the Barnes and Noble in Cary used to have storytime and when mine were little (about 12 yrs. ago) we'd go there, hit the mall and have lunch, just something different for a change.
We've lived in the area 6.5 years and attended many story times (pretty much weekly) during that time. We've personally enjoy the programs at the Garner library far more than what's offered at the Clayton and Smithfield libraries. There is more child participation and balance between stories and songs, etc...
We also use both the Garner (Wake Co.) and the JoCo Libraries. We hit S'field, Benson & Clayton nearly monthly. Plus the Bookmobile comes to our house. It is wonderful! I have found that much like different churches of the same denomation- libraries have very disimilar personalities. Due to staffing, I guess. Read!!! Enjoy!!! I am very proud that he has never been into a video retal store and he has his own library card.
Yeah I called both earlier and they have more dates and times at the Garner library than the one in Clayton. My neighbor suggested the Benson library as well so I will call them tomorrow.
the bookmobile? What is that all about? Sounds interesting. We get books monthly from a book club and she gets excited every time the box comes.
thanks for all the replies! I appreciate every one who took time to reply to my post. I'm a stay at home mom for the first time ever (oldest is 18) and I thought that since I'm lucky enough to now stay home with #2 I should take advantage and do all those things I didn't get to do with my first. Plus she enjoys reading and it's better than her wanting to watch cartoons all day!
Sounds like you will be a good stay at home mom. Books are wonderful and that is the way to start a child off. If nobody on the Forum knows how to contact the Bookmobile you can probably Google them to find out. You'll do just great. Lots of museums in our area for little ones. Google around and you will find a lot that are hands on. Grace
Our Bookmobile ROCKS!!! Bookmobile is via JoCo Lib. in S'field. Yeedah Bass is the "chief" of the Bookmobile. Her e-mail is madame librarian <at> juno <dot> com There might be a linky from the JoCo Lib website not sure. There was a waiting list to get on the Greater Cleveland Area route the last time my buddy checked. (3 months ago)
Thanks for the kind words. I'm having a hard time adjusting to being home so this will help me too. that's a good idea. I didn't even think about museums.
if you dont mind, what book club are you using, I was thinking of getting one for my ds just debating on which one to join thanks
Think about joining something like Mothers Unlimited. It has really saved me from becoming a stay at home hermit. It sort of forces me to interact with more moms. I am an older mom, (40!!) with a 2 1/2 year old, all the moms I knew were young. There are lots of moms of all ages and even grandma's! We have a blast. Good luck, enjoy these years, no- savor them!!! PS- another thought, we got a membership for Marbles museum and he LOVES it. We go weekly (at least) and he plays for hours!!!